
Minsk and Managua outline areas of cooperation

MINSK, May 27 (BelTA) – Minsk City Hall and Managua City Hall signed an agreement on trade and economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation. The signing ceremony took place as part of a visit by a delegation from Nicaragua’s capital, led by Mayor Reina Juanita Rueda Alvarado, to Minsk on May 27, BelTA has learned.

According to Minsk Mayor Vladimir Kukharev, the visit coincided with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of relations between the two countries. “We see serious prospects in the development of cooperation,” Vladimir Kukharev said. “We have no closed topics and we are willing to discuss a wide range of issues.”

The parties focused on the development of joint assembly plants, service centers, equipment supplies and cooperation in education and health care. The visiting delegation showed interest in best practices in housing and utilities in Minsk, as well as in the country’s culture and history. In the capital, Managua’s delegation will visit industrial and transport companies.

Reina Juanita Rueda Alvarado thanked for the opportunity to visit Minsk and the warm welcome, and invited the representatives of the Minsk City Hall for a return visit to Nicaragua.

“We feel comfortable in this city. We represent a large municipality, so the transport sector is of particular importance to us. The document signed today will help us continue the development of contacts in the fields of culture, education and technical cooperation. We wish prosperity and health for this beautiful nation,” said Reina Juanita Rueda Alvarado.