
A fiber optic jump in the Amazon region

Nokia is working together to implement a subaquatic fiber optic network in the rainforest

In a groundbreaking venture, Nokia has collaborated with Global Fiber Peru to complete a major phase of an underwater fiber optic network that aims to revolutionize internet access in the Amazon rainforest. This initiative will benefit approximately 500,000 people in 400 communities where Peru, Colombia and Brazil meet.

This new network, discreetly nestled in the bottom of the Amazon, connects strategic locations such as Iquitos and Santa Rosa de Yaraví in Peru, Leticia in Colombia and Tabatinga in Brazil. This milestone allows Global Fiber Peru to pioneer Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) broadband, providing local residents with unparalleled multi-gigabit connections. This service is a boon to businesses across industries including energy, agriculture and tourism, allowing them to thrive in what was once a connectivity desert.

Ambitious project to reduce the digital divide

The venture, praised by Obed Dionisio, CEO of Global Fiber Peru, marks a turning point in digital inclusion for previously underserved rainforest communities. Grupo Satellital, the parent company of Global Fiber Peru, had initiated the project by connecting the district of Yurimaguas with the municipality of Iquitos along the Amazon. Nokia’s expertise was called upon to further expand this connectivity.

Comprehensive solutions for end-to-end connectivity

Nokia offered a comprehensive suite of technology solutions, including advanced routers, switches, service platforms and Wi-Fi equipment, designed to extend an exceptional networking experience in the home. Local partner FYCO, a Latin American fiber optic telecom specialist, joined forces to implement this venture, along with offering training and ongoing maintenance services.

The implications of this partnership extend beyond the Amazon, with plans to upgrade existing fiber optic networks in crucial Peruvian cities such as Lima, Cusco and Huancayo, strengthening digital infrastructure across the country.

Most important questions and answers:

1. What is the scope of the network reach?
Nokia and Global Fiber Peru’s underwater fiber optic network aims to benefit approximately 500,000 people in 400 communities in the region where Peru, Colombia and Brazil meet.

2. What benefits are expected from the rollout of fiber optic networks in the Amazon region?
It will improve internet access, promote economic growth in sectors such as energy, agriculture and tourism, boost local businesses and help reduce the digital divide in remote rainforest communities.

3. Which local partners are involved in this venture?
Local partner FYCO, a Latin American fiber optic telecom specialist, is involved in the implementation, training and ongoing maintenance services for the network.

Main challenges or controversies:
One of the biggest challenges in deploying fiber optic networks in remote areas such as the Amazon is the harsh environment and logistical issues involved in installing them in such dense and biodiverse areas. There may also be concerns about the environmental impact of laying cables in sensitive ecosystems and the availability of technical support in remote locations.

Improved connectivity: Fiber optic networks provide fast, reliable internet access that is crucial for education, health care and economic development.
Economic opportunities: Improved connectivity can boost local economies, help businesses grow and attract new investments.
Digital inclusion: It helps bridge the digital divide and brings modern communication tools to underserved populations.
Quality of life: With better access to information and services, residents can experience a better standard of living.

Environmental problems: The development of infrastructure in sensitive ecosystems can disrupt nature and local habitats.
Cost: The costs of installing and maintaining fiber optic networks in remote areas can be high.
Sustainability: Ensuring that the technology and its benefits are sustainable and benefit all community members equally can be challenging.

Suggested related links:
– Nokia: Nokia’s official website, which provides information about their technological solutions and international projects.
– Grupo Satellital: the parent company of Global Fiber Peru, with information about their telecommunications services and initiatives in Peru.

By providing connectivity to remote areas, Nokia and its partners contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and Goal 10 (Reducing Inequality). This project is a testament to the increasing role of public and private partnerships in infrastructure development, with an emphasis on maximizing the social benefits of technology.