
The Colombian legislature bans bullfighting, leaving only seven countries that allow the practice.

Colombia’s legislature bans bullfighting, leaving seven countries that still sanction it.

On Tuesday, 93 representatives voted in favor of banning bullfighting, while only two dissenters sent the measure to President Gustavo Petro for his final approval.

The left-wing president celebrated the milestone on a particular day, exclaiming: “Congratulations to those who ensured that this bloody sport will no longer be a spectacle.”

Once Petro signs it, the legislation will have a three-year period to help families dependent on the sport find alternative sources of income.

Of a total of 194 countries worldwide, only eight still tolerate the customs of bullfighting.

They are France, Portugal, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Spain, Venezuela and now Colombia, where the disturbing entertainment remains popular and raises strong objections.

Fights typically involve bulls being provoked by spears and vibrant capes in a stadium setting, before being killed in full view of enthusiastic spectators.

Bullfighting enthusiasts compete for the ‘art form’, claiming it is a key supplier to cattle breeders, as well as street vendors who draw crowds of buyers outside stadiums.

Animal welfare activists, on the other hand, continue to criticize the tradition as a horrific practice that prolongs the animals’ suffering into a long and painful demise.

“We want to prioritize the conservation and protection of every animal,” said House Representative Alejandro Garcia, a leading force behind the ban. “For the whole world, Colombia is on the path to a cultural metamorphosis that emphasizes the dignity of every being.”

“We cannot fathom how a human expression of torment and inhumanity can be branded as cultural,” replied lawmaker Juan Carlos Losada.

Meanwhile, other South American countries have already called the practice illegal, including Brazil and Argentina.

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