
SIDS4: Nigeria to work with small islands and prioritize investments in climate resilience – Tinubu – EnviroNews

Nigeria has declared its solidarity with the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and its commitment to contribute to global efforts aimed at mitigating climate impacts and promoting sustainable development.

Balarabe Abbas Lawal, the Minister of Environment, speaks at UN SIDS4

Speaking on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, in Antigua and Barbados at the 4th United Nations International Conference on Small Island Developing States (UN SIDS4), President Bola Tinubu lamented that the SIDS are on the frontline of the global environmental crisis due to climate change. change and other factors such as pollution and biodiversity loss.

“Despite contributing less than 1 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, these countries are disproportionately suffering the impacts of climate change due to rising sea levels, the increased frequency of extreme weather events and the degradation of marine ecosystems,” Tinubu said. was represented by Balarabe Abbas Lawal, the Minister of Environment.

According to Tinubu, these factors pose existential threats to the livelihoods and cultures of millions of people in this region, adding that innovative adaptation strategies and robust international support and partnerships are essential to enhance and build resilience on the vulnerable islands.

While expressing Nigeria’s commitment to partner with SIDS and other countries to facilitate knowledge sharing and capacity building initiatives, he noted that despite the challenges SIDS face, they also have opportunities to move towards a green economy, as, according to him, “they have both untapped terrestrial and oceanic natural resources such as fish stocks, minerals, potential pharmaceuticals, renewable energy such as wind, solar, ocean, wave, hydropower and geothermal”.

He expressed the belief that SIDS, if deployed properly, have the potential to lead the way in defining models for sustainability and human well-being as they move towards a green economy.

He disclosed that the Nigerian government has addressed environmental issues such as pollution and flooding in a major island in Lagos State by establishing and empowering ministries and agencies related to the environment to implement robust waste management programs.

His words: “The challenges facing small island developing States are a reflection of broader global issues that require collective action. By supporting SIDS, we also advance the broader agenda of sustainable development and environmental stewardship. We must work with SIDS and prioritize investments in infrastructure for climate resilience, including building sea walls, developing early warning systems and implementing sustainable land and water management practices.

“Collaboration with international financial institutions and the private sector is essential to mobilize the necessary resources. The economic vulnerability of SIDS is further exacerbated by their heavy dependence on tourism and external markets. Diversifying their economies by promoting sustainable industries, such as renewable energy, fishing and agriculture, can create more resilient economic structures.

“Access to concessional financing is critical for SIDS to address their development challenges. We must advocate for tailored financial mechanisms that recognize the unique circumstances of SIDS and provide them with the fiscal space needed to invest in sustainable development and create a more climate-resilient environment.

“Strengthening regional cooperation between SIDS and fostering partnerships with larger economies can drive innovative solutions and share best practices.”

The President reaffirmed the country’s commitment to the principles of equality, justice and shared prosperity.

“The land, water and air all belong to humanity and together we can chart a course towards a more resilient and sustainable environment for our future and generations to come,” he said.

UN SIDS4, which started on Monday 27 May, will end on Thursday 30 May.