
“Plan mi Bodega” distributes Diana and Antímano products

Caracas, May 7, 2024. A realization of one parroquia Antimano de Caracas, Diana’s industry distributes its products while traveling various bodegas.

Este Plan busca reduces loose intermediaries y llega de manera directa las bodegas comunitaria. With a costo menor entre el 40% and 60%if you see a particular business, it is an afianzar circuit economical and loose sectors popular.

The president the Industrias Diana, Felix Romero, expresso; The plan is intended to produce products forma directa, empresabodega and community sin intermediaries«.

“Don’t plan assignment for the president Nicolas Maduro y forma parte del vertice 6, Economía for the joy of life Gran Mision Hugo Chávez”. Expreso Romero.

Diana forma parte de la initiative que lleva a cabo el Ministerio del Poder Popular de Comercio Nacional, at other institutions Estado en la ciudad de Caracas.

This is the feeling of the company grass food it is possible to use another country if:

  • Carabobo and Maracay bajo la premisa “Diana más cerca de ti”.

Bodegueros, bodegueras y la comunidad agradecen al Ejecutivo National, by impulsar political economic affairs you can contribute to purchasing first products need a bajos cost.

Vecinos de Antimano indicates that airplanes are like this, and that is the case crecimiento the drawer economy locally. Do your part families puedan tener en sus hogares los Products the drawer canasta basica.

El Plan Mi Bodega, the land is intended for a national gobier, with the end combatir the speculation and the guerra economy.

The program también financial services a weld tendas locations You can go one step further significativos en sus compras.