
Argentina achieved an adjustment outcome through the FMI and earned US$800 million

One of the rumors shared by the Minister of Finance, Pablo Quirno, and the Vice President of Banco Central, Vladimir Werning, shared rumors from Washington with the prospect of eight revisions that Argentina had with the international monetary fund.

With the difference in history, the fact that people with a multilateral organism concluded an agreement in the first quarter of the year is assumed to have received an amount of as much as 800 million dollars.

The Ministry of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo, was no longer part of the reunion meeting with the President Javier Milei.

If you consider that, due to the usual procedures, the fines for financing the financing can probably increase with the authorized payment giro.

In the Palace of the Hacienda, a quick solution of the cumplimiento is offered, an excess, for part of the whole package of objectives with the FMI. The special organism loses the logo of a super-financial company (without interest interests) that cannot be registered in recent years.

Now that I have completed my last wine tour on Argentinian fondo technology, the proxima revision of the program will probably be during Alberto Fernández’s gobier.

By re-addressing this problem, the organism will focus on the purpose of nutrition, because it can leave the automotive industry to stabilize the macroeconomy, promote family development and build the foundation of a more solid and sustainable to ensure crecimiento.


In recent statements, the FMI as the department of the state union elogiaron of the “impresionantes” anticipates the first months of the presidential elections of Javier Milei, and in particular the ignition wave pronounced earlier and the original statement accumulation of reserves.

There are people who are clearly aware of the fact that they may end the economic program and have to endure a severe economic crisis lasting several years. While Fondo number Gita Gopinath praised the official leadership for sustaining the economy, the energy continued to protect more vulnerable during a difficult estabilization process.

By his part, Rodrigo Valdés, director of the Departamento del Hemisferio Occidental, confirmed that the talks between Gobierno and the Fondo mainly focus on the “calibration and sustainability” of the right fiscal policy, and that they adapt monetary policy to reform the economy of ignition and the accumulation of reserves.

When the Argentine authorities reflect on the “constructive” relationship maintained with the Fondo, there is no response from the Ministerio de Economía that, when it comes to the meta, “the Fondo will be so necessary”.

Fuente: Ambito