
Evita, a female woman in Argentina, cumpliría 105 years old

Has suffered 105 yearsen a May 7, 1919vino al mondo Eva Maria Duartetambién conocida como Evita. Look at the second life companion Juan Domingo Peron Your existence is limited to a solo 33 years. Due to an embargo, Argentine politics has seen a major conversion into one of the female figures who has more power over all time.

Benjamin Morales Solá

Begin the 16-year period by recording the diary La Gaceta de Tucumán. In 1975, Clarín called a meeting for her pro-secretary of the political sector. For 12 years he started Redacción and authored the political column of this diary. He is a political columnist for Telefé and for the program “Tiempo Nuevo”, by Bernardo Neustadt. In 1997 he edited “Dos en la noticia” with Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú, for the former Canal 9. Current is a political columnist for the diary Calamuchita Ya. In 1990, the Italian Gobier was formed with the Orden al Mérito de la República Italiana. Later, in 1992, España distinguished itself with the Orden de Isabel la Católica. In 1998, the National Order received the Mérito which included the French Republic. In his last libro, “Sin excusas” (Sudamericana), Morales reveals his diálogos with the ex-vice president Chacho Alvarez, about the trama-secreta de los sobornos en el Senado, the cause of his renunciation and the mistakes that caused the quarrel of the Cause Alianza.