
Geographic Expeditions unveils ‘Soul of Cuba’ itinerary

Claudette Covey

Geographic Expeditions (GeoEx) unveiled the eight-day ‘Soul of Cuba’ itinerary, which will spotlight immersive experiences in Havana and other destinations in the country.

Departure dates are scheduled for January 2025.

The group expedition includes a range of cultural encounters, such as “a visit to a private domino club, a shopping tour of the Havana food market with a female paladar manager, and a walking and farm excursion that culminates in a farm-to-table lunch in the suburbs of Havana,” said Geo Ex.

Other experiences include “a visit to a car restoration workshop, with the opportunity to drive one of the fleet’s 30 cars; tasting a combination of rum and cigars in Cojimar; joining an after-school musical program that helps children develop their instrumental and vocal skills; meeting with employees of thriving businesses in Old Havana; and discussing the current state of affairs between the US and Cuba with a former diplomat,” the operator said.

The trip will also explore the countryside of Finca Tungasuk, Cienfuegos and Trinidad.

The group expedition is limited to 12 guests, with rates starting at $6,390 per person.

“GeoEx has been navigating the country’s landscape for more than 25 years, and our deep in-country expertise and years of local guides deliver an exceptionally immersive and impactful experience,” said Brandy Binstadt, CEO of Geographic Explorations.

In other developments, GeoEx has added and improved a range of its itineraries, including ‘Wilds of Indonesia: Bali to Komodo National Park’, ‘Australia: Ranches, Rainforests & Reefs’, ‘Istanbul & the Aegean Coast’ and ‘Cambodia: The Road ‘. Traveled less.”

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