
If you are on the bus and desaparece, you will be picked up by the right direction in alcantarilla

Hombre desaparece al caer en alcantarilla in Llorente.

The people who arrive late and these lunes cause a new tragedy, can be hombre, because they have no conocer, desperate to go through a bus and to be caught by the fierce correspondence of an alcantarilla.

On information from the Cruz Roja office, the details that the incident occurred only at 6 p.m. in the sector of Llorente de Tibás, in the route that communicates San José with Limón (route 32), in the province of Hacia del Caribe.

The cruzrojista Erick Quirós explained that he would warn an emergency at 6:30 p.m. so that he would immediately leave a vehicle and be able to advance the ambulances of such a situation to get a revision in the zone.

Hombre desaparece al caer en alcantarilla in Llorente.

“The product produced in San José has an advice on a house that travels via a bus, the intention is that the alcantarilla is burned, for the volume of the water that destabilizes the amount and removes the information entró a traves del 9-1-1 fue arrastrado de la alcantarilla”, details Quiros.

Once in the escena, the cruzrojistas in conjunto with personal bombardments realize an inspection of the alcantarilla, without embargo, by the volume of the water that makes impossible the mismas, can alguna inspection on the interior.

If you make the decision to move one of the vehicles 300 meters away from your home, you may have to pay the salida of this alcantarilla-alcantarilla-alcantarilla-alcantarilla-alcantarilla-alcantarilla-alcantarilla-alcantarilla-alcantarilla-alcantarilla -water bath, while the tampoco really comes outside the hombre.

Flooding of the faculty to derecho.

At 7:18 p.m., halfway through his term, Cruz Roja communicated that the bus suspended “the tail and the peligroso of the escena are impossible mayors of a part of the personal salvation”, indicating the advantages.

The occurrence of an emergency estarían retomando la búsqueda in the first hours of the mañana of these martes.

Other emergencies that occur at the car rides in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, to be more precise at the Faculty of the Derecho of the UCR, can cause a major flood that stops three vehicles.

In this situation at a life moment of many people, you can complete your car because you have to use the technology of water to escape.

Flooding of the UCR faculty.

The bomber informs that there is an emergency alert at 6:19 PM on these lunes because you have a unit lugaring, which will receive the notification that there are several people in your car.

“The flow is caused by a flood by four vehicles, the cars of our cars and one of the people who end up at the water level in their total and reach the sage of their mediocre properties,” informs Bomberos.

If you drive a bus in 15 days with another vehicle, it is fortunate that no four people are affected by the flood.

Flooding of the UCR faculty.

“The bus, at the appearance, no longer applies the moment you start your flood part, you can enter the space to leave the bus and have 15 people calmly and secured with the bus se retiro del lugar ”, detailed Bomberos.

By the part of the Nacional de Comisión de Emergencias (CNE), there is a production of 12 incidents due to the saturation of the alcantarillado on the Montes de Oca and Goicoechea.

There are further incidents in other sectors affecting Greece, Corredores, Heredia, Poás, Alajuela, Garabito, Naranjo and Santa Bárbara.

Flooding of the faculty to derecho.