
Ejército de Colombia enfrenta ataques de las Farc en Cauca, “El trabajo mío does not consist of a medium term, consists of a estar con la tropa y estuvimos allí”

General Luis Ospina reveals the intensification of the struggle with the Farc dissidence, the valentine and the rhetos of the military operations under opposite conditions – credit Colprensa

In recent statements, General Luis Ospina, commander of the National Army of Colombia, has committed the latest attacks on the department of Cauca through dissidence from the Farc, which have resulted in these military fighters entering the battle.

In the last period of the last period, the hostile actions are becoming more and more intensive, while the military operations are being answered, explaining the General Ospina in conversations with the W Radio.

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“The trabajo is not consistent and medios, consistent and estar con la tropa y estuvimos allí… tuvimos tres hechos: the first time something happens, the helicopter accident; later, after the situation of a study on the themes of the municipalities and later was contested, the warning that this confrontation was expressed was responded to, in a conversation with the W Radio.

The general Ospina reveals that difficult conditions, as atmospheric problems, complications in military operations, the use of tactics as the aim of selling goods during the struggle against the profane protection, a strategy imposed by the difficult situation in the kampo. The general Ospina contradijo de acusaciones de tropas, ensure that he undertakes more of the civilian population in the rural area of ​​​​El Plateado, the communication and the compromise with the nunca caesaron sold.

“Perdimos seis hombres, cuatro initialmente que fueron víctimas de ataques en donde tuvimos dicultades atmosféricas … and a Silvia los de lansamientos de un tattoos en sold more asesinados… Nosotros nunca abandoned … There are still no jurams and there are only one, and now there are even more communication troubles, it is difficult to enter the points, a dispersion of the current hombres and the enemy who approves of the conditions”explicit Ospina sobre las acusaciones de abandoned a sus soldados.

On the other hand, you inform about the additional offers of the company, including blocks and the control by representatives of the dissidence of the Farc in San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá, which prevents the operations against laboratory laboratories in the Llanos del Yarí. Moreover, when you are engaged in installing my anti-personal zones in the open air of these artifacts, you must keep an eye on the entire security of your country.

“Son medidas tactics, If a response is often given, the tropas has found itself in this situation, with many problems and a heroic era, it is very difficult to reorganize, the capitán tomó the decision to make the decisions, to reorganize and reorganize, the reporter who has ten of the cuerpos guards, but if you don’t come into contact with the bonds that come loose, it’s one of the things you can do when you’re out of alcohol”

The conversation with the General Ospina covers the many facets of the fight against illegal fighting groups in Colombia, the military strategy has adapted to the tactics of insurgents and the protection of human forces in the zone of confusion of the weapon of war.

“It is a fact that this group has attacked this group, but it is proportionate to the operations that are being sold to him,” Ospina said in conversations with the W Radio.