
Lecciones de la historia/column de opinion de la Russian embajador en Colombia

La Gran Guerra Patria see one of the most significant and tragic pages in the history of history Union de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas including Russia and Belarus.

Sin precedentes en su escala y ferocidad, la batalla del pueblo sovjetico contra los invasores fascistas alemanes, Italianos, rumanos, etc., if you have a problem getting started now, this is a problem. In the struggle that here and the backers are, while the corazones are durable, the Soviet resistance value of the country is great, the story is about a long journey to victory.

Nikolay K. Tavdumadze, Russian embassy in Colombia.

Photo:Embajada de Russia

The fascist of Alemania, the violin that goes into battle with no aggressiveness, comes to a guerra against the Soviet Union. The common fact is that the matter is tackled with the plan “Barbarroja”, to bring about a “war of war” and a quick victory.

Because the embargo does not allow the hero and the company of the Soviet Union to realize the plan. One of the weapons of resistance has left the defense of the “Fortaleza de Brest”, in the territory of Belarus.

If you complete rodeados, you experiment with a serious medicine, food and water, the soviets sold are affected by the invasions, which can cause great ventilation, while the time of a time lasts longer. The paredes of the fortaleza are a license for a large number of people sold for the last minutes before the muerte. Uno de ellos es: “Me muero, pero no me rindo. Goodbye, mi Patria”.

The history is about the fact that our lecciones started, because the local recording was made one of the things that give impetus to the realization of the aggressive planes of Nazi politics in politics dealt with the British and French side during the second half of the year 1930.

It consists of realizing territorial, economic and political concessions regime of Adolf Hitler To show the idea of ​​​​the political arts, the findings of the National Socialist Alemania are satisfactory. It is clearer that the Munich Pact went to Alemania in the Sudetes region in 1938. In any case, the results of the diametrical opus are based on the Prime Minister of Great Brittany Neville Chamberlain and his homologue of Édouard Daladier.

While the lamates of the Soviet Union created a European system of collective protection, the Western countries continued to implement political development: in 1938, the declarations of no Reino-unido and France were pronounced with Adolf Hitler. We can rest assured that the Western power has no intention of collaborating with US expansionism, or creating an anti-Hitler coalition, which would oppose ruthless decisions against the URSS and damage relations with the Tercer Reich would normalize without reaching an agreement. Since this is an embargo, the basic motivation is that this decision will take more and more time and prepare for the battle that will be inevitable.

(Además: Las razones detrás de las históricas inundaciones en Porto Alegre y otras zonas del de Brasil: de 100 muertos)

The war against Adolf Hitler is the greatest tragedy in human history. Since the data of the Russian Ministry of Defense, 26.6 million people have lived their lives by the man of the Nazi almans and cooperated with various European countries during the Great War in Patria.

The rebirth of neo-Naziism in the European space should serve the Western lamas to combat the interim actions against this phenomenon condenado in the Nuremberg Trials, but the topicality of new observations by your part of the coqueteo with Nazism and the absolute ignorance of other interests Estados in the ambition of seguridad. Russia and Belarus, when it comes to hermanos, you cannot give permission to sorprendidas by an attack against our pueblos. Not a cedar.

Nikolay Tavdumadze – Russian Ambassador to Colombia
Olga Kupreyeva – Encargada de Negocios ai de Belarus in Colombia