
Pregnancy Assistance News – Happy Father’s Day! How did we get here?

The image above shows a man holding a child in the air, with a smile on both faces. We immediately equate this to a father and his child and our hearts are full.

The unfortunate nature of the work and ministry I have been involved in over the past 25 years has shown me that these moments are shorter than they should be. Many innocent children do not receive this kind of affection and love from those who “begot” them.

This executive director would like us to look into this more deeply. I can honestly say that before this I never really learned or understood the nature of man in the role of pregnancy, abortion and fatherhood.

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My first encounter with a young man was 24 years ago, seeking an abortion for his child.

Here was an extremely handsome young man pressuring this girl into having an abortion she did not want. He explained to me that he had already had seven abortions.

We took the young lady to the ultrasound and once she saw the heartbeat, she chose life.

However, he was convinced that he wanted an abortion. He and I talked about what he was asking, even going as far as the three-year-old child he already had. I asked how he would protect that three-year-old if someone harmed him.

He immediately took on the role of father and protector. I asked him, “Why was this child different?”

He recognized that this was not meant to be and chose life.

Bahamas GodParent Center

My friends, how did we get here?

King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, wrote these words in Ecclesiastes 1:9: “There is nothing new under the sun.”

And of course he’s right: we’ve seen these kinds of events throughout the Bible.

I would like us to pause for a moment and take a look at our stage of life. Societal standards and God’s standards are vastly different. Even societal norms are different because we all come from different societies.

A famous Christian rapper said that growing up he thought manhood consisted of having lots of women and going to jail; because this was the example for him…until he met Christ!

Another young man looked at success in education with church attendance and a “good reputation” (mind you, what he did in the dark was different from what people thought) as if this were manhood.

Sowing wild oats before marriage and possibly maintaining illegal businesses after marriage was manliness. Giving more to his career and being the breadwinner but being absent from home even when he was there was manliness.

Being morally good, but having no need for God and His Word was manhood.

Bahamas GodParent Center

I remember presenting at a Christian school.

When we broke into smaller groups in Bible class, I asked how many of them were Christians. The majority said yes.

I then asked them about their plans for after high school, focusing mainly on the men.

A young man said he was going to college and could make a lot of money in his chosen career. I asked him if this was in line with his God-given purpose.

He looked at me confused. I pointed out to him in Scripture that God had a plan for each of us before the foundation of the earth, and that we were created and designed for His honor and glory. I challenged him in his belief system and his worldview.

He said he needed to look into this more closely.

His teacher said afterwards that he was ashamed because he had never thought of challenging his students in this way. He changed the way he taught.

Proverbs 14:12 tells us, “There is a way that seems good to a man, but its ends are the ways of death.”

My friends, I dare say that we who name the name of Christ must begin to teach our boys and young men the right way.

Tweet this: Societal standards and God’s standards are vastly different. We must begin to teach our boys and young men the right way.

We use the text in Romans 10:14: “How shall they know without a preacher, how shall they cry to him, how shall they believe?” for missions.

What if we use this at home and start teaching our boys and young men what it is to be a man, regardless of societal norms?

What if we offer them hope in a fallen world?

What about the work God has called us to do in our homes?

How about we begin to change societal norms by teaching the truth of God’s Word, both at the right time and at the right time?

Last but not least, we thank the men who have taken up the mantle and followed the path of the Bible, many of whom I know personally.

Thank you for your example of what a godly man looks like. Thank you for not just following societal norms, but looking deeper and giving more than you are capable of. Thank you for leading with love and humility.

Thank you! And Happy Father’s Day!

Editor’s Note: Rhonda Darville is the founder and executive director of Bahamas GodParent Center in Nassau, Bahamas. This article was sent to the Center’s supporters and is reprinted with permission.