
He has denounced a possible conflict with Guyana in 2023

Unas explanations the periodista de la fuente militar, Sebastiana Barraez, now that a conflict is looming between Venezuela and Guyana, which will be broadcast on November 1, 2023, the application of instant WhatsApp applications is considered new. If there is an embargo, that is not the case.

La mañana del miércoles May 8, 2024, the equipment of the Cocuyo check is received video compartido por WhatsApp that only contains the capture of a publication that is the following: «The periodical Sebastiana Barráez, especialista in the military, has denounced an acuerdo for the country in Guyana and the Venezuelan regime for a similar conflict with the proposal Suspender elections 2024. For a political purpose in sobriety.

The video exudes the conocida “fanfarria de Venevisión” to listen notices lately, an element that can give credibility to the association’s mediocrity in a certain audience.

Reciclada for Whatsapp

A flipped image on Google revealed that the publication happened compartida on the red social Coromoto (@coromot61157586).

The video is represented by a text in the usual etiquette of the minister Remigio Ceballos, with the message: «It’s going around on WhatsApp @ceballosIchaso1». This is the ultimate answer to the question of Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, Ministro del Poder Popular for the Relaciones Interiores Justicia y Paz.

Coromoto cuenta con 8,155 seguidores and a biography declared “absolutely the legacy of my commander”. The publication has generated 6,822 reproductions, 61 reactions, 50 reactions and 43 reactions. Moreover, share regularly with the political issues gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. A comment that makes the use in the publicity die: “This is an impoverishment and it is worth using a también”.

This is reiterated in the slides designated by the National Constitution of Asamblea, Tarek William Saab, acusó a periodistasbetween Barráez and a medium specialized investigation Armando Infor, as part of a “red extortion” of the service of Samark López and Tareck El Aissami.

This is true found by the Colegio Nacional de Periodistas and the Periodistas de ArmandoInfo, which since 2017 has developed the papel of López and El Aissami in cases of corruption in PDVSA and the food comparison for CLAP, in case it is involutive Alex SaabThe current president of the Centro de Inversiones Productivas of Venezuela has a charge that has been given the freedom to make an agreement between the government of Maduro and the administration of Joe Biden.

Saab estuvo preso Since June 2020, a conspiracy to empty the diner has been underway in a Florida city.

That’s Barráez

An entrepreneur has admitted that there is communication TVVenezuela, in Miami, Florida, in the United States, on the first new year of the year, the periodic and expert armed forces spoke with several military personnel about their “profound concerns” about an ongoing conflict throughout Venezuela and Guyana.

“The Venezuelan regime has no inclination to work in the future acuerdo bajo la mesa with Guyana to be able to see how public opinion is developing, there is talk of an attack with the country to obstruct the presidential elections. Yes, you are convinced that you are absolutely responsible for the fact that you have done this, but that I have achieved the most delicate result that I know that it is a tradition to lead the homeland”, such as the periodic period that the has taken place recently.

Therefore, the original statements are before the realization of the referendum on the elections and before the official announcement of the presidential elections on July 28, 2024, which the President of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, realized on March 5, 2024.

A video is made public and goes viral

The video should do the recording of the pantalla with part of the game statements by Barráezit has gone viral on WhatsApp, published on November 19, 2023 on the Tik Tok day of Jaiber Abreu Balza (@jaiberdejesusabre).

A company based on public data makes it possible to do this existencia de Jaiber Abreu Balza, oriundo del estado Trujillowhile you look on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube, the mayor is published that you will have to deal with national politics.

For other people, the recording of the pantalla must display the information in the video broadcast of a publication en la cuenta de X del usuario José Marin Diazwho is a professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and who will participate in the period on November 1, 2023, is radical in Argentina.

Breathe, la misma captura de pantallatransformed into a video, you can compare with the X of the program Plomo Parejo, the previous thing you have done by providing the information.

That happens between Guyana and Venezuela

For more than 180 years, the territory of this city has become a long-standing dispute between Guyana and Venezuela. The region of Guayana initially started monitoring imperio español y luego pasó a manos Hollandesfinally loosen the cedaron británicos.

Historically, this is a part of history Capitania General de Venezuela Beginning in 1777, it became increasingly integrated into the original Republic of Venezuela for a brief period at the time of 1811.

The territorial dispute has a long duration multiple episodes a large part of the years. With the intention of finding a solution, the case was brought before a tribunal in Paris in 1899. When an embargo was imposed, the situation was not resolved.

In 1966, when the US coup in Venezuela and the Reino Unido was confirmed, a status quo in a relationship with conflict was established. This is a contribution that has made to the management of the case estabilidad In the region, the territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana is an issue that concerns bilateral relations between the two countries.

The sharpness of Argyle

Los presidentes de Venezuela and Guyana During the reunification on December 14, 2023 in San Vicente and Las Granadinas, the agreement will not return to resolve territorial disputes, especially in relation to the territory of this country.

See a bus trip convivencia the peace and the solution are the difference in sharpness with international affairs, such as the sharpness of the 1960s of 1966. Adams has reaffirmed his voluntary dialogue on important matters and avoided the intensification of conflicts between the following countries.

It is possible to avoid the creation of a comission mixta When we enter into our relations with territorial controversies, the voluntary efforts of the trading partners are combined to solve diplomatic problems. They work together to prevent incidents on the ground that could cause tensions across the country, communicating with other regional organizations to replicate and prevent the situation.

The CIJ recommendation

And in the middle of the weld disputes In Guyana, Maduro gobier Nicolás is celebrating a referendo advice, which means he can build relationships with the accions who guide the administration through conflict. The advice was implemented in 3 months and warns in Georgetown.

Venezuela’s popular referendum has continued to grow tensions In the diplomatic relations between the two countries, it is a fact that the Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) has been constituted in Venezuela and Guyana without the realization of accions that could aggravate the dispute over the territory of this country.

The advice can possibly be expanded Esequibo in the Venezuelan territory and the struggle for a military division in a trial, between other types.

From 2018 la Corte analysis In the case of a petition in Guyana, where the jueces found favor in the exploration of the legality of the laudo in 1899.

Not until April 8, the Vice President, Delcy Rodriguez has announced a message on the red socialthe history of the past There is irrefutable evidence that the legitimate territory of Guayana Island is still claimed today.


Through the application of the latest rigorous method of information verification, it is concluded that the content of this video is replicated engañosoIf you intend to convey the idea of ​​Barráez’s statements, this is not the case.

It is important that the people of Guyana and Venezuela survive respect el acuerdo de Argylewhile our nations work together to reach a peace treaty and find a solution to a sharper international trade discrepancy.