
Paro de la CGT: Mano dura del Gobierno

Paro de la CGT: A ratification has been ratified that has confirmed public opinion of the Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT). The message was announced by Vote President Manuel Adorni during a conference on the issue. “Mañana, we can convert Argentina on a business trip to a parar,” punishment. Moreover, in particular that the Sindicalists can “let the guests enjoy the march”.

During your intervention it becomes clear that you must take the labor diabetes to participate in the promotion of the CBT movement, but that you cannot help transport a bad thing.

“The use of this application can take place in the market, but you cannot solve problems with transportation. Many problems are difficult to deal with, not to mention, no story, explicitly Adorni.

In addition, information available through a telephone line to announce possible attacks or extortions by a section of the Sindicalists, whose intention is to increase the consequences of the movement.

The presidential candidate confirmed that the government does not consider that transport is an essential service for the jueves, during the paro conference for the CGT. “No idea that the tomaremos is this medida”, aseguró.

For other people, the criticism of the justification is clearly for general youth work and announcing that the individual organizations are responsible for solving hosting issues during the march.

Javier Milei’s representative indicates that the CGT movement concerns 6,593,000 people who do not have access to the essential transport service to transport their luggage. «4 million in the AMBA, 1 million in the country’s interior, 1 million not in the future and 93,000 not available amounts», specifically.

Moreover, compare the fuerza medicines during this period of Javier Milei’s management with the achievements during the period of Alberto Fernández’s command. «He deals with the paros of the CGT, the collections, the teachers, a paro de trenes, an aerial and more than 100 marches. Fernández is unable to earn a living, destacó.

In this context, it appears that 64% of CGT marches since 1983 do not encounter Peronist people, but it proves that these people have no effect.

Ultimately, one critic addressed the movement organizers directly: ‘Mañana, what is happening now for the Argentine government is a conscription, the fundamentalists of the struggle, of all this. Just make sure you appreciate the water parameters you need.