
JCA will receive part of the outstanding payments from CWI by the end of the month | RJR News

The Jamaica Cricket Association (JCA), along with all other territorial boards, is expected to receive a share of the more than $9.2 million owed to them by Cricket West Indies (CWI) by the end of this month. A combination of factors has led to a delay in these payments.

Based on the checks from Radio Jamaica Sports, it is clear that the money will be paid out in two tranches. It is understood that half of the outstanding amount has been signed off and the remainder is due in August.

A key CWI source also indicated that the deferred payment is due to the fact that revenues from the home series against India in August 2023 were not calculated for CWI before the September 30 cut-off date.

The slowness in preparing audited financial data for territorial administrations also forced late payment of outstanding balances, according to the source.