
CARICOM heads of government gather for a meeting in Grenada

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) will convene for its 47th regular meeting in St George’s, Grenada from July 3 to 5, highlighting a critical agenda aimed at deepening regional integration and addressing critical issues facing the region confronted.

The agenda for the meeting includes crucial topics such as the agri-food systems agenda, with a focus on food and nutrition security.

The discussions will also cover climate change, sustainable development and foreign policy, in addition to a focus on strengthening the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME).

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Collaborations with the social partners are also planned, strengthening the cooperation framework within the community.

Aviation and Free Movement: Forward Movements in Integration

Much attention will be paid to the operationalization of the Multilateral Air Services Agreement (MASA), which aims to create a single market for air transport services within the Community.

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The leaders will also assess progress towards ambitious regional goals, such as achieving full free movement and reducing food imports by 25 percent by 2025, demonstrating their commitment to self-reliance and economic resilience.

Technology and innovation come first

The meeting will introduce a regional digital resilience strategy for the years 2025-2030, taking a step forward in the integration of technology and innovation within the region’s development agenda.

Grenada’s Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell will play a crucial role in steering these discussions as the new Chairman and Head of Government Science and Technology.

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In honor of regional icons

The opening ceremony will recognize two leading figures from the Caribbean. Legendary Guyanese cricketer, Sir Clive Hubert Lloyd, and esteemed Jamaican regionalist Roderick Rainford, a former Secretary General of CARICOM, will be honored with the Order of the Caribbean Community.

This event will set the tone for the meeting and celebrate the achievements and contributions of its members.

Historic location with a legacy

The Heads of Government will hold their business sessions at the Radisson Beach Resort, Grand Anse, a site of significant historical importance as the birthplace of the Grand Anse Declaration and Work Programme.

This declaration has been fundamental in strengthening economic and political cooperation between Member States and promoting the principles of sovereignty, non-interference and equality.

Closing and commemorative events

The conference will conclude with a media conference in a hybrid format, followed by the seventeenth CARICOM Elite 10K, Open 10K and Youth 1.7K Road Races, promoting camaraderie and community among professional and amateur athletes from across the Caribbean.

A milestone year for regional unity

As Grenada celebrates its 50th anniversary of independence, the CARICOM meeting also marks the conclusion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of CARICOM itself.

These milestones provide a crucial reference point for leaders to shape a post-50th anniversary regional integration agenda.