
Weather in Trinidad and Tobago: Showers, chance of thunderstorms

Below is an overview of the weather, provided by the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service.

For the period today until midnight,

Trinidad, Tobago and the Southern Winds

Partly cloudy to cloudy with showers in variable locations and an average (40% to 60%) chance of heavier showers or thunderstorms in a few areas. Tonight should be mostly steady with a few overnight showers.

⚠️Heavy rain or thunderstorms can cause wind gusts and street/flash flooding!

Official Statement No. 7 on Tropical Storm Beryl has been issued. Visit for more information.

The rest of the Lesser Antilles

Generally fine weather and a breezy breeze with some light showers.


Trinidad: 32 degrees

Tobago: 31 C


Seas are moderate with waves of 1.5 to 2 meters, sometimes exceeding two meters (downward) in open waters of almost a meter, and occasionally choppy in showers in sheltered areas.