
This band’s new album is made from recycled river plastic

This musical collaboration is a hit!

July 2, 2024

This band’s new album is made from recycled river plastic |
This musical collaboration is a hit!

A collaboration between leading band Coldplay and Cleaning the ocean have worked together to turn river waste into music. The band, a supporter of the environmental organization, announced that a limited notebook edition LP of Moon Music – Coldplay’s new album is made from plastic collected in 2023 from Guatemala’s Rio Las Vacas, a press release.

The mission of The Ocean Cleanup is to rid the oceans of plastic. The organization removes waste from the oceans and also captures plastic from rivers that flow into the oceans using interceptor barges. The non-profit, which was founded in 2012, also works with companies and organizations that can give new life to these recycled plastics. That’s what the partnership with Coldplay is all about.

The connection
Coldplay got into the ocean cleanup business in 2021 by funding a new ship – called Neon Moon 1 – that was deployed in Malaysia, according to reports New AtlasS.

“Without action, there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050, which is why the work of the Ocean Cleanup is so important,” Coldplay announced at the time. “We’re proud to sponsor Interceptor 005, also known as Neon Moon 1, which will capture thousands of tons of trash before it reaches the ocean.”

One second interceptor ship sponsored by Coldplay, in 2023, will be used in Indonesia. Now the partnership to produce the limited edition album has really cemented the relationship.

From waste to music
According to the press release, converting plastic waste into high-quality sheeting was not easy. Because sheeting must be made of PET, the plastic collected from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is mostly lower-quality plastic, could not be used. The nonprofit had to turn to plastic collected from river separators.

The plastic also had to be as clean and free of imperfections as possible to get a product that would guarantee the sound quality needed to produce an excellent record. The plastic used came from the Rio Las Vacas river and was sorted to get the best product. The plastic was then turned into flakes that could be used to produce new plastic items; such as the Coldplay album.

But the plate could not be made using the recovered river plastic alone, it had to be mixed with other recycled plastic to ensure sound quality. The perfect mix was 70 percent PET river plastic and 30 percent other recycled plastic.

This very special notebook edition Moon Music LP will go on sale in October 2024, but can be pre-ordered now, according to New Atlas. It will include a 28-page hardcover publication with artwork and lyrics. A special CD made from 90 percent recycled polycarbonates will also be part of the package.

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Bonnie has dedicated her life to promoting social justice. She enjoys writing about empowering women, helping children, educational innovations, and advocating for the environment and sustainability.