
One of the country’s main petrol engines is the noise of Gobierno

Alejandro Bulgheronithe president of the PAE and one of the country’s main employers, praised the rumor about Javier Milei’s gobier and spoke about the ruling of the base in Congress.

“El Gobierno va por buen camino”concern Bulgheroni in his presentation at the Forum Nacional de Energía, organized by Lide Argentina.

The fact that the country offers “great opportunities in terms of reversal and crecimiento”, in sectors such as energy, mining and economics.

“Milei is the first president to solve Argentina’s problems and possible solutions in the last 60 years”the president of Pan American Energy, integrated the family who would be the mayor of the country’s patrimony, estimated at an amount of 4,900 million dollars.

Bulgheroni considers that the Gobier “is making a good choice that is in the right direction”.

“The president has eliminated the necessity of the liberation of the mercados and the elimination of the reversals and the ratification of the cultural cambio, which has the intention of investing on his gobierno to install all the money on the crecimiento-sostenido”away from Bulgheroni.

Someone has found a “new Argentina” who, in his diagnosis, introduces a “noise cam” by Milei.

“There are some opportunities, the hay sectors are so energy rich, mining and economy that the great chances of reversal and crecimiento increase”, think about it.

Make sure you can realize the need to obtain an economic scenario and make it “secret” from the private sector.

The company that is a secure jurisdiction is not possible if Congress attributes to the correspondents who “brinden rely on the reversals of the great square.”

In the margins of LIDE, the energy company of the sector is a fuerte defense of the regime for major reversals, conocido as RIGI, which is in the Senado.

Horacio Marín, president and CEO of YPF, said that “sin RIGI, no hay GNL”.

The RIGI is a macro-legal organization that wants to build a gas plant to allow the export of hydrocarbons around the world.

But the scenario of gas exports alone is “competitive with RIGI”.

“YPF has had an extraordinary trabajo with Petronas, but the problem is an era that is unfinanceable. Y estamos un poco atrasados”, destacó Marín.

The turnaround for this plant is around $2,200 million and includes the construction of the Vaca Muerta oil canal in and into Puerto.

Fuente: Noticias Argentinas