
Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela has acuerdo and rechazo al cierre de Telesur in Argentina and the Al Jazzera in Israel – Yvke Mundial

The national representative of the Asamblea by the city of Zulia, Juan García, presented the project of Acuerdo, presumably by unanimity, in the Sesión Ordinaria de la Comisión Permanente del Poder Popular en Communications of the Venezuelan Parliament in the recovery of the cierres and the blocking of transmissions de las televisions Telesur in Argentina and Al Jazzera in Israel. Medidas represents a violation of the basic human basis as the freedom of information, expression and plurality of pensamiento.

According to the periodical Juan García, California as a censor of the broadcasts of television broadcasts has presented the other vision of the ultraderecha politics in Argentina by the fascist Javier Milei who would have assumed that he could have The vulnerability problem of the population in general is this nación, applying neoliberal dictates to the gobierno of the European Unidos of North America.

García has explained that the case of Al Jazzera is one of the mediocre moments of communication that he has developed before the public opinion and the filtering of the genocide that has become the President of Israel Benjamin Netanyanhu against the Palestinian state and with a suspected criminal.

Parliament is convinced that television broadcasts are exclusive to the big communications companies that respond to economic capitalists. We stand in solidarity with communications, periodicals, camera and personal technology of television enemies of global fascism.