
Asamblea General de la ONU adopted a resolution to integrate Palestine as Estado de pleno derecho « Diario y Radio Universidad Chile

143 of the 193 months of the United Nations national organization voted in favor of reconsidering the integration of the Arab country. It is absolutely not the case that EEUU can complete your incorporation into the Seguridad Council as he has done before.

Viernes May 10, 2024 2:23 PM.

The Asamblea General of the ONU has determined that the Palestinian state has a large number of requirements and that he admits that he has the Unidas nationalities.Photo X: @ONU_es

These four days, the Asamblea General of the ONU, has presented the resolution in Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Noruega, and has been going on for more than a few years now that the Palestinian Sea integrates an international organization as a fully equipped state.

The text, which performs an operation, is that Unidos states vetará the creation of the Palestinian People’s Council in the Seguridad Councilwhen the child is confronted with “derechos and additional privileges”.

Knowing exactly that Palestine currently has observer status for Estonia could lead to an increase in representation and voz. Sin embargo, There is no tendency to nominate candidates for the organisms of the national nations.

The solution has been determined that “la Estado de Palestina est calificado para ser miembro” en “recomienda al Consejo de Seguridad que reconsidera de asunto. Asimismo, “reafirma el derecho del pueblo palestino a la autodeterminación”, what pasa por su “move towards an independent Palestine state“j”the end of the Israeli occupation

Paula Narváez, Chile’s Permanent Representative for Naciones Unidas, said that “Chile was in favor of the resolution of the creation of Palestine as part of the Naciones Unidas. Con Think of a progressive implementation of the historical solution of this organism, which will create a solution for the city and determine its self-determination”.

The 9 countries in violation of the world’s resolution: Argentina, the Checa Republic, the Unidos Countries, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua.

Cabe exactly que Unidos States can be a veteran in the Council of the Seguridade of the Creation of Palestine as Estado of the Entire Countryas you can see, it is anteriormente.

143 states of the 193 million years of national unity organization have done a favor to reconsider the integration of the Arab country. No problem, EEUU can do your incorporation in the Seguridad Council

These four days, the Asamblea General of the ONU, has presented the resolution in Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Noruega, and has been going on for more than a few years now that the Palestinian Sea integrates an international organization as a fully equipped state.

The text, which performs an operation, is that Unidos states vetará the creation of the Palestinian People’s Council in the Seguridad Councilwhen the child is confronted with “derechos and additional privileges”.

Knowing exactly that Palestine currently has observer status for Estonia could lead to an increase in representation and voz. Sin embargo, There is no tendency to nominate candidates for the organisms of the national nations.

The solution has been determined that “la Estado de Palestina est calificado para ser miembro” en “recomienda al Consejo de Seguridad que reconsidera de asunto. Asimismo, “reafirma el derecho del pueblo palestino a la autodeterminación”, what pasa por su “move towards an independent Palestine state“j”the end of the Israeli occupation

Paula Narváez, Chile’s Permanent Representative for Naciones Unidas, said that “Chile was in favor of the resolution of the creation of Palestine as part of the Naciones Unidas. Con Think of a progressive implementation of the historical solution of this organism, which will create a solution for the city and determine its self-determination”.

The 9 countries in violation of the world’s resolution: Argentina, the Checa Republic, the Unidos Countries, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua.

Cabe exactly que Unidos States can be a veteran in the Council of the Seguridade of the Creation of Palestine as Estado of the Entire Countryas you can see, it is anteriormente.

143 states of the 193 million years of national unity organization have done a favor to reconsider the integration of the Arab country. No problem, EEUU can do your incorporation in the Seguridad Council

These four days, the Asamblea General of the ONU, has presented the resolution in Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Noruega, and has been going on for more than a few years now that the Palestinian Sea integrates an international organization as a fully equipped state.

The text, which performs an operation, is that Unidos states vetará the creation of the Palestinian People’s Council in the Seguridad Councilwhen the child is confronted with “derechos and additional privileges”.

Knowing exactly that Palestine currently has observer status for Estonia could lead to an increase in representation and voz. Sin embargo, There is no tendency to nominate candidates for the organisms of the national nations.

The solution has been determined that “la Estado de Palestina est calificado para ser miembro” en “recomienda al Consejo de Seguridad que reconsidera de asunto. Asimismo, “reafirma el derecho del pueblo palestino a la autodeterminación”, what pasa por su “move towards an independent Palestine state“j”the end of the Israeli occupation

Paula Narváez, Chile’s Permanent Representative for Naciones Unidas, said that “Chile was in favor of the resolution of the creation of Palestine as part of the Naciones Unidas. Con Think of a progressive implementation of the historical solution of this organism, which will create a solution for the city and determine its self-determination”.

The 9 countries in violation of the world’s resolution: Argentina, the Checa Republic, the Unidos Countries, Hungary, Israel, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua.

Cabe exactly que Unidos States can be a veteran in the Council of the Seguridade of the Creation of Palestine as Estado of the Entire Countryas you can see, it is anteriormente.

143 states of the 193 million years of national unity organization have done a favor to reconsider the integration of the Arab country. No problem, EEUU can do your incorporation in the Seguridad Council