
The tense relationship between Biden and Netanyahu is deteriorating as the US halts arms deliveries

Recent tensions between the United States and Israel over Rafah’s possible invasion of the Gaza Strip have caused a significant shift in the relationship. President Joe Biden threatened to stop supplying Israel with certain weapons if the invasion continued, leading to a pause in bomb deliveries. The move was seen as a major blow to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has long supported an invasion of Rafah to defeat Hamas. However, many Israeli lawmakers criticized the decision, despite the US being Israel’s biggest supporter and source of military funding.

The pause in arms deliveries is largely symbolic, but intended to send a serious message to Israel. Israeli security experts believe that this will not affect the planned operations in Rafah, as they believe that the paused shipments were not critical to the operation. Former Israeli intelligence official and regional analyst Avi Melamed noted that Biden’s decision could embolden Hamas and Iran, potentially endangering U.S. allies. However, he also mentioned that Israel will likely continue with slow and precise operations in Rafah to avoid a direct confrontation with the US.

Some praised Biden’s decision, including independent Senator Bernie Sanders, who called it a “first step.” Others, such as the nonprofit Democracy for the Arab World Now, welcomed the suspension of weapons to Israel, citing violations of basic laws of war. The Israeli military has not commented on the situation, but they claim their operations are against Hamas and aim to prevent civilian casualties. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in thousands of deaths and hostage takings, fueling recent tensions between Israel and the US.

For Michael Koplow of the Israel Policy Forum, Biden’s warning marks a significant shift in the US-Israel relationship. He stressed that Israel is in a dangerous situation and that recent tensions have exposed cracks in the relationship. Despite criticism from some Israeli lawmakers, Biden’s decision to pause arms deliveries is seen as a major step that could potentially affect future operations in the region. The situation remains tense as Israel continues its military operations in Gaza, while the US evaluates its role in the conflict and its support for Israel’s progress.