
(Vídeo) Disidente de la Farc Iván Márquez reacts to a discurso apoyando la Constituyente

(Fanny Gutiérrez).- After attracting the attention of the guerrilla and the disident of the Farc, Iván Márquez, who declared that he had mediocre means of communication as muerto, by attracting an attention, watching a video recorded in the Spanish País, in the fact that a discussion has arisen and an extraordinary idea has arisen for the President of Colombia Gustavo Petro, now that the Asamblea Constitution is for his country.

Our name is Luciano Marín Arango, the 70 years old, without embargo, who conoce with the alias Iván Márquez, comandante of the disidencia conocida como Segunda Marquetalia de las Farc, who has an attention to a campaign, ubicado in the countryside the Caicara del Orinoco, city of Bolívar, Venezuela, on June 30, 2022.

For this information, says that “the excomandante of the Farc has a deceased deceased and visited a hospital in the city of Caracas, Venezuela”, the version that has not been confirmed by the Venezuelan government, and All these years they have made a public act of a Colombian population presented.

Según El País, the video lasts 17 minutes, the project is carried out in a coliseo de Puerto Carreño (Vichada) during the ‘Foro Binacional de Paz’, organized by the department of Asamblea, and it salutes the departments of Vichada, Guainía, Vaupés and Arauca extends his luck to the Venezuelan states of Amazonas and Apure.

Márquez se remitió to learn a discurso escrito in inviting the pueblo de Colombia “an example of the first line of the cambio… volcados in the calles exigiendo sus derechos and the aprobación of the social reforms and the politics in favor of the great national masses everything that is exclusive”.

Prosiguió with algo de difficulty, “sometimes a torbellino of sueños represents luchando in the lejanía de la periferia contra the olvido del poder central and exclusion that nos margina of los planes that se concibe para saccar adelante el país”.

The fact that “so many people come from the problems of the big crowds” is that you advertise that “you have to deal with the cross-pollinations. We need to reorganize the institutions so that they are more just and more prepared to leave a life for the whole world, the legal order seems to be shaped by the oligopoly to undermine the problems and to fight the problems.”

Finally, asked the Colombian government, “is impossible to guarantee the presencia of the constitutions of the periphery to save the reintegration of the magna asamblea”, and its juicio “each will tener voz en voto cuando la Constituyente rejuste de public institutions and tracing the plan for the homeland have the humanitarian value”.

Consult the website: El País/