
The ELN met with Petro’s president to discuss M-19-era extortion


The maximum responsible of the guerrilla of the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), Eliécer Herlinto Chamorro Acosta, alias ‘Antonio García’, has served the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, as President of Colombia and has been his product of the era of the extortion recovered from the guerrilla group M-19.

“Illegal economies, who helped Gustavo Petro, while in the 80s they are looking for a guerrilla who can use the M-19 in Santander, ask us to request that the ELN co-brand in transport,” the manifesto ‘García’ is a message published on the red social X.

The ELN story has confirmed that it is “impuestos” and that Petro “y su tropa” is his guest “en trago en francachelas, no en la lucha”. “Due to the fact that the following years contribute to the farras”, this has happened.

The Gobier delegation negotiating with the ELN has requested the statements of ‘García’, an appeal used by President Petro to face an international crisis of the group. “The problems we encounter cannot create problems or end the situation”, they have become a note of prensa.

“The result is unacceptable that the desperation of his command by the international crisis will lead to insult and struggle as a form of upheaval of the indefinite borders of the world,” said the communication on the red social X.

Moreover, ELN has compromised on “suspending the security of the economy and consolidating participation in society in the construction of the country” and more and more decisions have been made in order to “lose no time in an indefinite dialogue time” and to move forward “seria y prontamente” hacia la paz.

The statements of ‘García’ are increasingly used as the propiate guerrilla of ELN is responsible for the creation of a supuesta disidentie of guerrillera in Nariño (surëste de Colombia) with the name of the Frente Comuneros del Sur .

This situation is “relegando” of the official dialoguedialogue. The proxima quote is between May 20 and 25 in Caracas, Venezuela, to confirm the first point of the agenda of the process during the participation in civil society.