
On campus you will find a revolutionary manifesto that links the pro-terror protests in Columbia to communism

A hate-fueled revolutionary manifesto linking Columbia University’s pro-terror protests to heralded “anti-colonial” movements is circulating at the school, amplifying the claims of outside agitators there.

The six-page “National Liberation Struggle” proclamation was left in a laboratory classroom at the embattled Ivy League institution, according to a Jewish student who received a copy of the letter.

A ‘National Liberation Struggles’ manifesto has been distributed to students at Columbia University. Obtained by the NY Post

“This manifesto that associates Jews with all the ills of the world would be a funny parody if it did not fuel the deadly goal of destroying the Jewish state and returning Jews everywhere to a dispossessed, defenseless people available for abuse and scapegoating when the vote arises,” said Rory Lancman, senior counsel at the Brandeis Center For Human Rights Under Law, a graduate of Columbia Law School and a former New York City council member.

The document reinforces claims by New York Mayor Eric Adams and others that outside “agitators” have influenced and even infiltrated groups of pro-terror protesters at the Upper Manhattan school and other college campuses.

An anti-Israel mob launched an illegal takeover of an academic building in Columbia earlier this month, forcing officers in riot gear to storm the site to incite and arrest them.

“Columbia’s students are organizing their power to demand that the university divest itself of all corporations that profit from the Israeli occupation of Palestine, to end all academic ties with Israel, and to end Columbia’s complicity in the Zionist project,” the manifesto begins.

The document links the school’s anti-Israel protests to other “anti-colonial” movements around the world. Matthew McDermott
Protesters in Columbia occupied the school’s Hamilton Hall on April 29, 2024. Photo by Alex Kent/Getty Images

The mission emphasizes the goal of broadening the minds of students “beyond the university” and joining “the greater struggle for the liberation of all oppressed people everywhere.

“How is the student movement involved in the larger anti-imperialist and internationalist movement in the US and the world,” the document says.

The communist manifesto only fuels anti-Semitism, Lancman said.

Anti-Israel protesters hang a banner in Hamilton Hall. JC Rice

“The anti-Israel protests in Columbia and elsewhere are part of the global anti-Semitism movement, not just ideologically but also logistically and operationally,” he told The Post.

The US and Israel and ‘The West’ are depicted in the manifesto as oppressors, while the rights-restricting Cuba and Vietnam are revolutionary models to follow.

Harsh, freedom-depriving China and North Korea are given a free pass.

Mayor Adams and others have alleged that outside agitators influenced the protests at Columbia and other colleges in the city. James Keivom

Liberation struggles are also promoted for black Americans in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the oppressed Ukrainians’ quest for freedom do not alter the pamphlet on ‘liberation’.

“The people of Palestine, the students on this campus and the oppressed people around the world teach us that we can fight for a different way of life, to fight for the birth of a new world,” the document said.

The US is even blamed for the COVID-19 outbreak.

“The neglect of the COVID-19 pandemic, the death of George Floyd and rising anti-Black violence, and the unconditional support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza show us that at every turn, the US and other Western countries any crisis, they always put their interests first,” the document said.

There is an odd reference to North Korea, considered the toughest communist regime in the world.

“We can see that the workers and students of the US have more in common with the people of Palestine, Sudan, Korea and India than with the elite of Washington, New York, London and Tel Aviv,” the document said.

The manifesto applauds the spread of communism in Vietnam and Cuba – then supported by China and the former Soviet Union – while criticizing the US.

New York State Republican Party Chairman Ed Cox said the manifesto is proof that communists and the anti-American far left are organizing and exploiting the anti-Israel campus protests.

The stated goal of the manifesto is for students to join “the greater struggle for the liberation of all oppressed people everywhere.” James Keivom

“These are the Marxist-Leninists who are the agitators fanning the flames on Columbia and other campuses. I’m not surprised. They have done this throughout history,” Cox said.

“They can have an impact on gullible students,” he said. “They are not American. They are anti-American.”

A representative for Columbia University declined comment.