
Panama opens embassy in Barbados

Xiomara Pérez presents President Dame Sandra Mason with the credentials.

TPanama’s Ambassador-designate to Barbados, Xiomara Pérez, presented Dame Sandra Mason with the letters of credence accrediting her as the first Resident Ambassador of the Republic of Panama to the Government of Barbados.

At a recent protocol ceremony, the President welcomed the decision of the Government of the Republic of Panama to open the first embassy in Barbados and noted the importance of continuing to strengthen the historic ties that exist between the two countries, highlighting on the Barbadians who went to Barbados. to Panama to work on the canal construction, including her grandfather.

In addition, Dame Sandra highlighted the importance of the recent visit of the Panamanian Foreign Minister to Barbados and the subsequent visit of Prime Minister Mia Mottley to Panama, when she witnessed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Air Services Agreement, among other issues of bilateral interests.

After the ceremonial ceremony of awarding the credentials, a review was made of issues related to education, showing interest in the possible cooperation between science and technology, the exchange of Panamanian students and professors, the strengthening and promotion of commercial sector, and exploring new formulas of cooperation in sectors such as tourism, frequency of Copa flights, exchange of good environmental practices – both countries are important voices in the protection of the oceans – and finally, in supporting exports of agricultural products and the study of cooperation formulas for the benefit of both countries and peoples.

This completes the process of setting up diplomatic missions in both countries.

Barbados opened its embassy in Panama City in 2019 and Panama informed the Barbados government that it would proceed in accordance with reciprocity by establishing the first diplomatic mission in Bridgetown, an important step in strengthening diplomatic and commercial relations . (PR)