
Kicillof busca several miles and firms a transfer of fondos for all municipalities

The company has taken the second step in the field of the Fortalecimiento Fiscal Municipal funds

Axel Kicillofgovernor of the province of Buenos Aires, sells the page of the second half of Fondo de Fortalecimiento Fiscal Municipality (FFFM), which has earned $37.549 million across 135 distributions. The event is realized on May 13 and an act that takes place in the Argentine Teatro of La Plata.

Además estuvieron la vicegobernadora Veronica Magario; the Ministers of Economy, Pablo Lópezand the Gobierno, Carlos Bianco; la jefa de Asesores, Cristina Álvarez Rodríguez; They are good intentions.

The second part of FFFM represents more than 30% of the $116,000 million that the distributions are recibirán. An instrument has emerged in the period of 2023 regarding Ley Nº15.480, that the transfer of funds is no longer reintegratable and available to part of the Unico Distribution Company (CUD).

In this context, Kicillof affirms the possibilities of “achieving a situation in Argentina, a product of a gobierno nationale that has problems cotidianos de los argentinos y las argentinas”.

The governor of the province of Buenos Aires criticizes the administration of Milei

Now that we agree that federalism and national attribution are not an option: our ideological ideologies believe that we must find a solution for the market, which has a national constitution that offers other responsibilities and guaranteed guarantees ”.

Asimismo, the governor of the province of enfatizó: “And this moment is a moment that now you can conduct a grand experiment, no responder with cruelty and selfishness, sino with more presencia of Estado and solidaridad throughout the province and the municipalities to respond”. I think that “the recession, the recession and the withdrawal stopping illegal fondos through the national part of Gobierno impact on the province and distribution: it is clear that the province does not abandon Gobierno, respects federalism and understands the importance of the intentions”.

In the sequel, the mandate confirms that “a compromise is now being made with the intentions for the repayment the consequences of economic policy and the desert of the national government”, and concluded: “Invite us to plan anything and everything to be part of the progress that gives impetus to the defender of the province of Buenos Aires”.

Federico Otermín, goalkeeper of Lomas de Zamora, participant of the Firma of FFFM

In the latter case, the Ministry of Economía de la Provincia has decided that “a national Gobier takes the decision to interrupt the transfers of recursos to the provinces, no cumplimos with the Ley and the damos that can make it difficult for the municipalities in this context” . “With the second distribution of FFFM, a million dollars of $50 million will be distributed across all good distributions,” he says.

Because the gobierno provincial argument is that this is a success in the context of a “inédito de national gobierno adapt, which influences the recovery of the province and the municipalities”. “The province of Buenos Aires has more consequences For the report on the transfer of non-automatic states: in April this year, a report of one billion pesos implies that alcanzaria is paid for more financial resources of one year of the Escolar service. In addition, the municipalities have received a share of participation of $88,000, which is equivalent to the amount of their net salary,” subrayaron.

The event takes place in Argentina’s Teatro La Plata

Kicillof and the Secretary General of the Federal Council for Inversions (CFI), Ignacio Lamotheestablished a cooperation agreement to assist the municipality’s technology in the development of the territorial planning and larger territorial areas Códigos de Planeamiento Urbano.

With respect, Carlos Bianco claims that “a trabajo articulado in the different gobier areas is realized to present herramientas that promote the fortalecimiento and offer the greatest capacities of the management capacity of the gobiernos municipalities”. Now the possibility of the distribution of the Electronic Electronic Management of the Province of Buenos Aires (GDEBA) and the fortress return on the long-distance destinations of the Puentes program for the completion of the program is announced construction of 18 university centers and the interior.

In addition, the capacities of municipal agents are for the professional party of the Provincial Order of Urban Planning and Territorial (DPOUT) and can submit a revision of Decreto-Ley 8912/77 of the diktat to present a new project in urban order y territorial.

En dicha jornada, también estuvieron: las ministras de Hábitat y Desarrollo Urbano, Silvina Batakisand the Mujeres and Diversidad, Estela Diaz; sus pares de Desarrollo Agrario, Javier Rodriguez; the Infraestructura y Servicios Públicos, Gabriel Katopodis; the Justicia and Derechos Humanos, Juan Martin Mena; the Seguridad, Javier Alonso; the Desarrollo de la Comunidad, Andrés Larroque; la presidenta del Instituto Cultural, Florencia Saintout; la secretaria general de la Gobernación, Agustina Vila; el asesor general de Gobierno, Santiago Perez Teruel; the director of ARBA, Cristian Girard; the director of the Organismo Provincial de Integración Social y Urbana (OPISU), Romina Barrios; and the director of Teatro Argentino, Ernesto Bauer.