
Argentina has completed the octave review of the FMI and received $800 million

The Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) has confirmed that Argentina has been given an octave revision as we made $800 million in June. The organism notes that power “affects the economies of the economy to grow the economies of the economy.”

In a statement, the FMI said: “On the basis of the results obtained during the first half of the year – according to the criteria for the first trimester of the first trimester, the personal technology of the FMI and the autoridities of Argentina are followed by the politicians para seguir. Once you have completed the ignition process and rebuilt the international reserves, you can carry out the recovery and strengthen the program.”

“This is a follow-up to the continued implementation of the political agreements and the approval of the Director General of the FMI, which we must examine in practice. After the review, Argentina tends to agree with the program,” agree.

The FMI includes the context of the communication in the current situation Javier Milei: “When an economic and social situation is complete, the company implements the plan for the estabilization of the autoridades – a solid and fiscal base, the financial ausencia monetary and relative corrections – they have made it possible to look ahead more quickly to the recovery of the stabilized macroeconomy and to re-strengthen the program. With more remarkable results, the first supervision of the fiscal quarter at 16 years can include the rapid explosion of inflation, the trend of international reserves and a fuerte reduction of the austere period. At the same time and in the context of an economic activity that will impose fines in 2023, the authorities realize its significance for increasing social assistance to women and the vulnerable, as well as protecting possible pension benefits. It is about strengthening politics and social policy and it is a matter of advocacy.

The organism notes that power “affects the economies of the economy to grow the economies of the economy.”

“Based on the great progress, the authorities have indicated that their political evolution will continue to preserve the sustainability of the stabilization and reform process. In this context, the power of the entire economy is engaged in economic policies to advance the interests of the alcans.

Political fiscal. The goal of alcanzaren is the global budget balance that makes the central bank convertible. The program is deployed in the area of ​​​​the caliber and balance of fiscal consolidation, including reforms that increase the efficiency and progress of the tributary system, allowing to reduce subsidies and scale back gas controls as the reflection of costs. When this happens, it is necessary to reform social assistance.

Political monetaria and cambiaria. It is a priority to conclude the disinflación and fortalecimiento international reservation process and preserve the balance of the central bank. In the transition period, there is a new monetary regime (which incorporates the competence of the monetary world), the political monetary sector evolves to increase inflation expectations and the political cambiaria are more flexible, while they will reduce restrictions and controls in the medium term the conditions of which are permitted.

Structural politics. Remember that the micro-economy reforms at this time and securing services for better economic recovery, also to avoid problems with productivity, private inversion and formal business operations.

Modalities of the program. Objects and program conditions are updated to reflect more recent memories and the new economic panorama. This means that you receive guarantees on the financing of official credits.

“The FMI personal technology has taken over the Argentine authorizations, by the Minister Luis Caputo and the President of the Banco Central Santiago Bausili, through its continued constructive compromises, while his firm voluntarily wants to restore economic stability and the foundation of an economy maintain It is still the case that the impetus of the work and the reversal privada is given to the benefit of all the Argentine money”.

The Finance Secretariat, Pablo Quirno, and the Vice President of Banco Central, Vladimir Werning, have arranged reunions with the FMI technology to adjust all the details of the information summarizing the Staff Level Agreement.

Argentina has cumulated the metas of budget deficits and compared Banco Central’s reserves. If this happens, there is no need to apply for a waiver (perdón) intended to obtain the June benefit.

The octava review of the program confirms that the supervision is being used for the first time, so you can see how you can receive the credit from the expanded facilities.

Because Banco Central’s reserves have accumulated more than $2,000 million in dollars, the disbursement of money and the limits of monetary issuance are limited.

The cumplimiento of the metas and the possibility of a waiver to obtain the 792 million dollars of dollars is a new experience in the relationship that the boss of Milei manages with Georgieva and his staff.

President Javier Milei pretends that he has made additional calls on Banco Central’s reserves and bought the bank, but he has received an indication that this is not the case.

At the beginning of the week, the Gobierno account amounted to about $800 million and Banco Central Cayeron’s reserves amounted to $687 million. The amount involved is approximately 1,900 million dollars.
