
Colombia and Venezuela acordaron extender paso por puente Atanasio Girardot a la medianoche

Autoridades of Colombia and Venezuela extend the horario of paso vehicles in the international countries that communicate Táchira with the department of Norte de Santander.

The governor of the city of Táchira, Freddy Bernal, explained that the international Atanasio Girardot (conocido como Tienditas) had an hour of operation from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m.

For other people, the young Simón Bolivar, Francisco de Paula Santander and Unión function from 6am to 9pm.

Bernal has said that the binary motorists can focus on other reunions; a few days before the 17th of May with the specific transport theme and private as the main topic, can be the 20th month of the migration.

“It is a fact that the voluntary progressive policy has been reaffirmed, that the complementarity and the extensive opening between Colombia and Venezuela are being consolidated,” the governor said.

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