
Atleta Colombiano voló and Brazil

The young talent of the national fondismo Pedro Marín has met one of the Colombian figures of the Ibero-American Campeon, whom he meets in Cuiabá, Brazil.

In the first few years, the medal of the plata was scheduled on the 3 million metros, with 8:10.22, and the last day finished in second place on the 5,000 metros, recording 14:27.65.

También is the city of Martha Valeria Araújo in the twenty-seventh century, at 12.91 in the 100 metros of Vallas, while the installation as the largest part of Suramérica in the pace of time and the second part of all the tires in Colombia, superada solo by the market nationally the Brigith Merlano (12.89).

In general, through the three major discussions, Colombia is a source, a plata and a source of sources.


The equipment of the relevant 4×100 is a Colombian medal of more platas in the Ibero-American Campeonato, which goes to Cuiabá (Brazil).

With this preseas, Colombia has a stack of a oro, with many platas and even more sources, who have played 13 finals in the sexta jornada, between the heptalon, that Martha Valeria Araujo with 5,444 points, a falta solo, has played de la prueba the los 800 subway.

The medallions of the relevant equipment are conform Marleth Ospino, Angélica Gamboa, Laura Martínez and Evelyn Rivera, en damas, die cronometraron 44.34, perhaps in varones, Neiker Abello, Carlos Flórez, Oscar Baltán and Jhonny Rentería marcaron a tiempo of 39.23.
