
Discover that the month of April was the next time with supervit in Argentina

The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Luis Caputoannounced that it is young Sector Público Nacional register in April super active fiscally Through my successive years, it is a product of $17,409 million that yields a superior amount of $264,952 million and the interest in the new public network of the intra-sector public sector for $247,543 million. This results in a line with the main character serving the Gobierno man Javier Milei in its economic program it is considered “non-negotiable”.

While Gobier has built up a positive balance in the public sector for a year, the interest rate remains at 0.2 points of the PBI, from the details of the title of the Palace of Hacienda on the route of the official X.

This is it Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) it is a fact that the results “más notables” of Gobierno have produced the results Milei that Argentina has tracked its first year in the fiscal quarter at 16 years.

Caputo announced a trip about his country X that Argentina has followed his fiscal supervision for his nextCaputo announced a trip about his country X that Argentina has followed his fiscal supervision for his next

In the case of the fiscal goal of the first trimester, the attention to the expulsion and the FMI that in the national public sector can impose the most fines on an excessive first installment, the contabilidad that does not take into account the advocacy of the deuda- de 962,000 million pesos. The last date of the first trimester is 3.8 billion pesos, but it is more than superior.

The first quarter of the first quarter cost $1.13 billion, which is 0.2 points off the PBI. As a result, my last message was announced by the president of a national Cadena trip to the Blanco Salón de la Casa de Gobierno and to the estuvo-escoltado by Caputo, the president of Banco Central Santiago Bausili y su vice Vladimir Werningfrom the Finanzas secretariat Pablo Quirno.

“El SPN registration are some of his extraordinary financial successes since 2008The accumulation of a super high interest rate corresponds to approximately 0.2% of the PIB in the first period of 2024 (primarily a superior of approximately 0.7% of the PIB). This form continues to consolidate the company’s fiscal year program. SPN’s total revenues already exceed $6,792,205 million (+263.9% ia). If we respect the tributaria reviews, we present a crecimiento of +254.6%, which is the main explanation for the variation in the outside world and the impuesto PAIS,” informs the Ministry of Economy.