
Alcalde de Cali donates to pay for the damnation of the fuertes

El mandatario local instó a la ciudadía a portar para la atención de esta situación – credito @alejoeder/

The 15-year-old May registers a fuerte water in Cali, which affects several parts of the city and a large number of families. For the atenderlas, Alejandro invites citizens to make donations.

The Alcaldía de Cali uses the campaign name ‘Sumémonos por Cali!’ launched, an initiative that will impact the family through the events of the spring.

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The flooding has had a major impact on the area in the north of the city, leaving a family member in dire straits for much of his life and living. In response, Alejandro Éder has brought society to the most solidarity and solidarity people and can help it recover from its familial recovery.

“It is all so that it is family that we have to do everything, recuperate before we have our lives and zest for life,” he says of the whole world. Not only will this attack leave the community devastated, but the urgency of the situation is great. When the Alcaldía began an emergency, an additional contribution is invaluable.