
Cuba depends on renewable energy sources

Cuba relies on the development of renewable energy sources (RES), such as wind energy, photovoltaics and biogas, to address electricity generation shortages caused by the lack of fuel.

This was said by Cuba’s President Miguel Díaz-Canel during a recent interview with French-Spanish journalist and writer Ignacio Ramonet.

The president announced that Cuba has signed a series of agreements with other countries that will allow the country to produce more than two thousand megawatts in less than two years and have more than 20 percent clean energy sources by 2030.

Díaz-Canel explained that part of the country’s photovoltaic parks will store energy and therefore be used in the evenings, reducing fuel consumption. Thanks to renewable energy sources, more fuel will be spent on the economy, especially on food production, agriculture and manufacturing processes “which are very limited because most hydrocarbons are used for electricity generation,” he pointed out.

The President pointed out that Cuba is also seeking foreign investment to enable the country to strengthen, modernize and improve the processing of national crude oil in its refineries and contribute to solving the energy problem, which has been greatly affected by the tightening of the United States. blockade.

Diaz-Canel acknowledged that the deepening of the blockade and the inclusion of Cuba on the list of state sponsors of terrorism have made the daily life of the population particularly difficult in recent years.

“We are a country that has suffered for more than sixty years from the restrictions and setbacks imposed on us by the blockade; an illegal, unjust, anachronistic blockade as a policy and, above all, charged with an arrogant perspective of the US government,” he stated, emphasizing that despite the escalation of US policy, Cuba “has never stood still” and has developed its capacity for resilience developed.