
Gobierno Petro knows he wants to take a 500 mil vacation as a congressman – Publimetro Colombia

En la mañana de este viernes 17 de mayo, the representative of the Cámara del Centro Democrático Andrés Forero he is concerned about being involved in Gobierno’s holiday program.

“Se vencieron 541,083 bivalent modern home against covid-19 costs more than $ 34,000 million million”, describe the congressman on X’s route (antes Twitter). “The Ministerio de Salud has been in its unjust situation for two months and has not conducted a vacuum campaign. The incompetence and the desire to prevent ‘prevention’ can cause a lot of damage,” the legislator said.

Moreover, an image has been made of the many details of the many holidays, their respective vencimiento and their costs.

Due to an embargo, the Ministeriot of Salud has decided not to keep quiet the congress lames and to make public a communication broadcast if it is indicted.

“For the information circulating in the media, while the Vencimiento de Vacuna Bivalentes contra la covid-19, informs the Ministerio de Salud, that this information is really true, So far, the Ministry has realized that the management is good for the distribution of these organic products in a national country and that it is not sold in the bodegas of the French region of Bogotá, as it is confirmed in the medium term,” detailed the Ministerio de Salud in its communication.

It is clear that the information in the communication media about the vacancy is nothing other than an “inadequate interpretation” of the information used by the Minsalud to advise that there are different types of citizens.

“It is important that the vacancy takes place during the Gobierno period (2018 – 2022) and not during the Gobierno del Cambio. According to this minister, it is necessary to ensure the availability of vacancies throughout the national territory, and to report the variation that the virus may occur with the update of the vacuum cleaner against the COVID variant XBB 1.5. You are available at more than 3,000 holiday points in all countries,” said the Ministerio de Salud.

Ultimately, the record in the city is that the vacuum cleaner is intended to protect the safety of citizens. I conclude that you have confirmed the confirmation of the sale of holidays in the bodegas of the Zona Franca.