
the antecedents of the story between Milei and Pedro Sánchez

20/05/2024 – POLITICS
Exabruptos, insults and differences in irreparable ideologies: the antecedents of the story between Milei and Pedro Sánchez

The presidents of Argentina and Spain have had several episodes in which they mutually heard each other for the declarations of freedom in the VOX act, which escalated and arose from a possible diplomatic conflict

Before the statements Javier Milei in the VOX acto of this domingo, which lasts a long time Pedro Sanchez and when you are “corrupt,” Begoña GomezIn the area of ​​influence traffic, the Argentine president and his partner in Spain, there are several public conflicts, which pose as the transfer of a potential diplomatic conflict.

In this case, in the last new year, during a full election campaign in Argentina, the balance was taken to define the successor of Alberto Fernández, while the member of La Moncloa expressed a favor of the candidate union for the Patria, Sergio Massaincluding the environment of an Apoyo video, in the fact that California is a representative of “tolerance and dialogue”.

“The 19th of November was celebrated with a decisive comic strip in Argentina. There are no solo mail-in voters for a new president, but a decision that is far more important is whether the future will last for your father. There are many recent candidates for a wide range of opportunities. Sergio Massa represents the initiative for democracy, for the concordia; y offers a proyecto de unidad, de solidaridad, with opportunities for everything and for everyone”, manifesto at every moment of Sánchez.

This is the largest part of the line with the maximum autoridades of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obradorand the Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da SilvaThis is a manifestation of your preference because this moment has produced the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The expressions of the affairs in Estonia can play a major role in the formations that the buscaban gives an institutional character, without representing an opinion on an international political local politics, but the candidate can no longer participate.

Poco después, with Milei ya en la Casa Rosada, the Ministry of Transport and Movilidad Sostenible español, Oscar Puentetake part in an encuentro with young people, and the opinion that “it’s a good thing that I’m going up more”, by the fact that the President of Argentina has a helping hand, while “ingesting” a supuesta sustancias”.

Before the Presidency of the Argentine República (OPRA) contested, Governor Pedro Sánchez said that there are more important problems than those that arise, if the corruption cases you can do, you can also give an evaluation of your renunciation”.

“In the case of the Spanish Reino, think that the justice is active to make some of the corruption disappear, which directly affects the estabilization of your country, by consiguiente, the relations with nuestro país”, as the official organism , that you think is the cause of the involution of Begoña Gómez.

As a solo some years ago, the Department of Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades española, Diana Morantwhere the Argentine representative represents a “negative model” that “goes against democracy” and wages a “battle” against the presentation of freedom in the acto of VOX.

Recently the candidate candidates for the European elections, Irene Monteroex-minister of Igualdad, calificó de “siniestro and reactionario” al libertario en sostuvo that “the politics that hacen” the leaders of their ideology “nada tenen que ver con la libertad”, sino que son “de violencia and odio”.

The mismo Pedro Sánchez, during the eve of the ultraderecha that he would realize in the Palacio de Vistalegre, in the city of Madrid, manifests itself in front of his university colleague in Estonia, while California is one of the few “The main ‘heads’ of the ‘international ultraderechista’”, and critic of the reunion.

“¿Por que han elegido España para reunirse todos ellos? No, it’s casual. Se han reunido en España porque nosotros representamos como sociedad, no como Gobierno, todo lo que ellos detestan y odian, that is feminism, that is social justice, that is labor dignity, a Estado de Bienestar fuerte, democracy”, consideró .