
Estudios posgrado in Colombia: you can appeal to the requirements and requirements | Pronabec | PERU

El Instituto Colombiano de Crédito Educativo y Estudios Técnicos en el Exterior (Icetex) launched a new convocation of its program Beca Colombia 2024, to study a specialization, maestria oh one promoted with the amount of money that the guests receive, the total matrícula, the quality of education, the materials of the e-studios and other benefits.

El Ministerio de Educación, a journey through the national program of Becas and Crédito Educativo (Pronabec), this may be one of the reasons. For the actual convocatoria, the Colombian population will be spread 100 times around the world.

If you want to post virtually and for free, you will have completed the following journey on June 9th.

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There are programs specialized in creative interventions, specialization in rehabilitation Cardiaca and Pulmonar, as Maestría en Administración de Empresas, Maestría en Salud Pública, Doctorado en Ingeniería, Ciencia y Tecnología, and Doctorado in Ciencias de la Tierra.

To view the list of more than 1,500 eligible programs in total, we review the Catálogo de Académica 2024-II of the convocatoria in the following link.

What are the requirements?

  • No nacionalidad colombiana whatsoever, I live in Colombia on the last six months, no matrimonial matters or even in Colombia.
  • You cannot benefit from the Beca Colombia program.
  • Ser menor de 50 years.
  • Contar with a promotion of pregrado of al menos 4.0 to 5.0 (escala of notas de Colombia).
  • Please contact us for further information regarding the program of the Catalog of the Academic Academy 2024-II for the convocatoria (pero solo se otorgará la beca para un programa).
  • The title is professional or licensed.
  • Contact healthy and mental health, a certificate for a doctor.

While postulants present other documents with their migration certificate, an academic academic training of up to 2 pages arguing the importance of education Colombia and the impact you will have in general to gain your personal and professional experience, your professional experience certificate for a minimum of years, among others.

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What are the benefits you get for this?

Many companies tend to get the following benefits: 100% guarantee of the matrícula, an amount equivalent to three minimum salaries for my country, medical care and hospital in Colombia, a visa for cortesía, installation guests equivalent to 500,000 Colombian pesos, cost de libros en materiales en cobertura de gastos de la expedición de la cédula de extranjería

Si postulas a las because in Colombia, the official result of the selection will be displayed on the Icetex website on June 20. If your name appears on the list, you will be accepted for consideration between June 21 and 23. The beginning of the e-studios is followed by an academic program.

It is time for the specializations to last 18 months; the maestría, the hasta 24 months; and got my PhD, took 48 months.

To obtain more information about Colombia, you can check its page on the Internet or your official page. All contrarás de bases de convocatoria en english y en español.