
Summary of Global Weather Hazards May 23, 2024 – May 29, 2024 – World


Global overview: El Niño conditions (above-average sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific) remain present in most of the equatorial Pacific; however, a transition from El Niño to ENSO neutral is likely within the next month. Drought continues in southern Africa, while dry conditions persist in parts of northern South America. Meanwhile, dry conditions have spread across northern Central America. Floods are likely to occur in East Africa, Central Asia and Hispaniola.

Weather hazards in Africa

Abnormally dry conditions develop in eastern Nigeria and Cameroon; In East Africa, rainfall is decreasing, but flooding continues.

  1. Flood conditions in the Sudd wetlands in northern South Sudan remain unchanged.

  2. Due to a delayed start to the rainy season, insufficient rainfall and prolonged dry spells, drought conditions continue in parts of Angola, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar,
    South Africa and Lesotho.

  3. Flood conditions persist in parts of Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda and Zambia, while flooding continues in Angola.

  4. Heavy rains caused Kenya’s Tana River and Lag Dera River to flood, affecting 21 of the country’s 47 counties, resulting in fatalities and displacement of thousands of people. Heavy rains in Somalia and Ethiopia caused flooding and damage.

  5. Significant rainfall deficits since April 1 in eastern Nigeria and western Cameroon have led to declining soil moisture and abnormal drought.

  6. Unseasonably warm weather is expected in parts of central Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Algeria and Chad.