
United National Congress » UNC launches midterm election campaign for local governments

Political leader of the UNC, Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar with candidate for Lengua/Indian Walk, Nicole Gopaul candidate for Quinam/Morne Diablo, Sara Sookdeo

It is official.

Ms. Nicole Gopaul will return as the UNC candidate for the Lengua/Indian Walk district.

Meanwhile, Ms. Sara Sookdeo has been selected as the Quinam/Morne Diablo candidate of the UNC for the upcoming local government by-election scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2024.

This was announced at the official launch of the UNC Local Government by-election campaign during a massive political rally at Penal Secondary School last night, Monday, May 20, 2024.

The venue, located in the heart of the Siparia constituency of the UNC political leader and Leader of Opposition, the Honorable Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, SC, was filled beyond capacity.

Hundreds of enthusiastic supporters gathered in the school hall and poured out, all waving UNC flags and wearing what Ms Persad-Bissessar described as “a sea of ​​yellow”.

Members of Parliament Dr Roodal Moonilal, Davendranath Tancoo and Dr Lackram Bodoe from the neighboring UNC constituencies of Oropouche East, Oropouche West and Fyzabad respectively also addressed the crowd.

They spoke of the rampant, ongoing neglect and underdevelopment of the PNM areas including Lengua/Indian Walk and Quinam/Morne Diablo and the unprecedented, ever-escalating and truly terrible crime wave sweeping the nation.

The MPs also discussed the current furor over the PNM government’s attack on the Auditor General, the deadly bacchanal in the SSA and the Rowley government’s oppressive economic measures that have led to massive poverty and unemployment, as well as unprecedented increase in the cost of living for all citizens.

A fiery Mrs. Persad-Bissessar delivered the very compelling keynote address and rallied her vast army of UNC faithful for victory in the local government elections in Lengua/Indian Walk and Quinam/Morne Diablo on June 17, 2024.

She castigated the Roley government for its destructive policies and read out headline after headline detailing the deadly impact of the ‘sadistic’ national crime wave in Siparia, Fyzabad and Oropouche East and West.

Cheered on by the energetic, massive crowd, Ms Persad-Bissessar also issued a very strong warning about the Rowley government’s decision to dismiss the Auditor General. She said:

“I would like to warn you tonight – I have been reliably informed that the government is going to use an opportunity created by their illegal investigation to dismiss the Auditor General. I have been reliably informed that this is their plan.

I ask the government tonight: is that true? Is this your government’s evil plan? I’m asking for a friend. I ask the people of this country

They chased the poor woman out of office after she stood up and maintained her independence from you. I warn you tonight that their plan is to fire the Auditor General.”

Ms Persad-Bissessar told the crowd that the future of Trinidad and Tobago was at stake in the upcoming elections, and called on them to ‘riot’ at the polling booth against the destructive government, noting:

“This isn’t just about politics; it is about our collective future as people living together in this two-island republic. It’s about ensuring that every citizen, from the young child in the classroom to the hard-working parent and the young person striving to better themselves, has the opportunity to not only survive but thrive!

Together we can build a nation where everyone prospers and no one is left behind. We can create a society where opportunity is abundant, where the economy thrives, and where our children inherit a country full of hope and promise.

This is the vision of UNC and we are committed to achieving it. We believe in the power of the people, and we know that together we can achieve greatness.”

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