
Bishop Anstey Association denies agreement to transfer BATCE


Bishop Anstey High School East.  - File photo by Angelo Marcelle
Bishop Anstey High School East. – File photo by Angelo Marcelle

ISSUES are brewing between the Bishop Anstey Association (BAA) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) over the transition of the privately run Bishop Anstey/Trinity College East (BATCE) to government control.

On May 2, the Ministry of Education said the government has given a five-year period from 2023 for the transition of BATCE to the government-supported model, with the final recommendations and implementation plan from the negotiations to be approved by the cabinet first are approved. entry into force.

However, the association said in a May 4 statement that there was no agreement with the government “for any transition of the BATCE schools to a denominational, government-supported school model over a period of five years or otherwise.”

Newsday sought clarity from Minister of Education Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly on May 5. In a WhatsApp response, she said: “The press release (May 2) says everything there is to say on this issue at this time.”

In the May 2 release, the ministry said that the BAA, which manages BATCE, is currently negotiating the terms of the transition following the end of the 20-year legal agreement in 2021, and that negotiations have reached the state and are moving forward .

However, BAA responded: “We believe it is incorrect to categorize our discussion with GORTT on this subject as ‘advanced negotiations’.”

The ministry had said that despite the expiration of the legal contract, it was committed to continuing to fund school operations and 100 percent of student spaces, as it has done for the past 23 years.

BATCE was established in 2000 and a sixth form was added in 2008 through a build, own, lease and transfer (BOLT) agreement with the government, and has an enrollment of approximately 2,000 students.

The ministry said the estimated cost of this exercise was $60 million per year over 20 years. Moreover, from 2021, when the loan term expired and was repaid by the government, it gave the government full ownership of the building and land.

Now that BAA has opted to move to a government-supported model, the ministry said complex negotiations regarding staffing and school operations have begun and are ongoing with the MOE and the Teaching Service Commission (TSC).

Although recognition negotiations are ongoing, the BAA’s release highlighted the lack of agreement and alluded to “several misconceptions” regarding the legal and financial arrangements.

In good faith, the BAA said it agreed to hear from the Government on this transition proposal, on the specific condition that the current management agreement remained in force and applicable until the BAA was satisfied that any proposed transition of the schools to a denominational, through the government supported school The model would be based on conditions that did not conflict with their established successful activities, school dynamics and outcomes, which the GORTT (Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago) has repeatedly recognized.

“The BAA has no agreement with the GORTT for the transition of BATCE schools to a denominational, government-supported school model over a five-year period.

“Teachers, parents, students and other stakeholders must understand that we have a symbiotic relationship with the GORTT for the best interest of our children’s education.

“We also have a duty to consider the GORTT’s proposal and, where best, agree, modify or reject it in the best interests of the operation and continued success of the BATCE Schools.”

It said listening to a valued stakeholder’s proposal does not equate to agreeing with them and its implementation.

Given the complexity and challenges, many areas have already been fully ventilated and adequately assessed for the potential impact on BATCE schools.

The BAA emphasizes that it reserves the right to rely on the terms of the existing management agreement currently in force.