
Venezuelan woman found locked in property of ex-soldier in Arima

Venezuelan woman found locked in property of ex-soldier in Arima.  Image credits: Daily Sun
Venezuelan woman found locked in property of ex-soldier in Arima. Image credits: Daily Sun

Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad and Tobago’s Law Protection Department is in Arima searching for a suspect who is an ex-soldier. The suspect is accused in a case in which he locked a Venezuelan woman and her eight-month-old child in his property. The incident was announced after police received information around 10:30 am on Tuesday morning, May 21.

It is stated that the information was relayed to the police station by a young man who heard the loud voice of a woman asking for help. The man was walking along Mt Pleasant Road when he heard shouting and banging on a steel door as he walked past the property of an accused ex-soldier in Arima, a town on the north side of the island of Trinidad.

The young man responded immediately and alerted the law enforcement department after becoming aware of the situation. The man explained the possible crime in the place where the officers of the police station in the region were in charge and arrived at the said place in the locality. After visiting the location, the officers gathered all the information and took action on the situation.

According to the reports, the responding team of police officers discovered that the gate of the house was padlocked from the inside. Meanwhile, it was revealed that the door of the room where the Venezuelan woman and her child were being held had been padlocked from the outside.

The police officers on duty then used a hammer and chisel to break the locks and entered for rescue. The victim woman and her child were helped out of the house and taken to a safe house.

The investigation revealed that the victim woman from Venezuela came to the Arima building together with the accused ex-soldier on Friday, May 17. The woman and her child were last seen that day, after which they disappeared until they were found by police and arrested at the house.

The police officers launched an investigation to determine the roots of the crime, while a manhunt also continued to track down the suspect. The investigation revealed that the suspect is an ex-soldier who previously served in national defense. The suspect is still at large while investigating officers try to find and arrest him.