
Panama will elect a new president to restore the economy and stop corruption

Panamanians braved scorching heat on Sunday to vote in a general election to choose the next president in an eight-person race with much of the focus on a corruption-tainted former leader holed up in Nicaragua’s embassy. After weeks of campaign events featuring catchy reggaeton songs and popular entertainers, more than three million voters are expected to decide who is best placed to solve Panama’s pressing economic problems, tackle corruption and boost the country’s reputation as an investment haven. to recover.

Many voters arrived early to avoid the small Central American country’s stifling heat, which reached 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit) in the capital. Jose Raul Mulino, a former minister who replaced popular ex-President Ricardo Martinelli in the vote after Martinelli was barred from running due to a money laundering conviction, is leading in opinion polls.

Mulino has vowed to usher in prosperity and keep Martinelli, who played a key role in the elections within the walls of Nicaragua’s embassy in Panama City, out of prison. Nicaragua granted the former leader asylum, but Panamanian authorities prevented him from leaving the country. Mulino visited Martinelli at the embassy after he cast his vote.

Romulo Roux, in his second attempt to win the presidency, and ex-president Martin Torrijos alternated between second and third place. Closely followed are Ricardo Lombana, who also contested the past elections, and current Vice President Jose Gabriel Carrizo. Many Panamanians streaming out of polling stations cited bribery as one of their top concerns.

“I want people with fresh ideas in the government to change the face of my country,” said Nelson Cedeno, 26, a medical student who supported Lombana, hoping for a “better future without corruption.” Panama’s election rules do not require a second election, making Sunday’s results final. No party is expected to gain control of the legislature, where 885 seats are up for grabs.

Lawmakers from several parties who supported a controversial government contract with Canadian miner First Quantum have faced a backlash that could damage their support. Many Panamanians took to the streets last year to protest the Cobre Panama mining contract, which opponents say contained no environmental guarantees and was rife with corruption. Panama’s Supreme Court ruled in November that the contract was unconstitutional.

Panama’s next government will have to deal with a troubled pension fund system, high public debt and the loss of income from the closure of the mine, which accounted for about 5% of gross domestic product. Corruption has become a hot topic for voters. Local media have recently reported on generous student loans and scholarships awarded to the children of politicians and wealthy, prominent families.

After a record 520,000 migrants crossed the treacherous jungle connecting Panama and Colombia known as the Darien Gap last year, migration is also on voters’ minds. Some candidates have promised to clear the way, which could increase migration flows to Panama, while others want to step up controls to completely cut off the migration flow. The next government will also inherit the problems facing the Panama Canal, where revenues fell after the country was forced to restrict ship crossings due to a prolonged drought.

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