
Holness and Golding are urging Jamaicans to support the elderly and disabled as the country celebrates Labor Day

Holness and Golding are urging Jamaicans to support the elderly and disabled as the country celebrates Labor Day

Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Opposition Leader Mark Golding are urging Jamaicans to focus on inclusion and support for older people and persons with disabilities.

Their tailored message comes as Jamaica celebrates Labor Day today, under the theme “Ramp up di access…Show you care”.

In his message, Prime Minister Holness said today’s celebration is a call to action and a reminder of Jamaica’s collective responsibility to uplift every member of the community. .

In his message, Mr Golding emphasized that real progress is measured by how citizens lift up those who are among the most vulnerable.

Like the Prime Minister, he encouraged Jamaicans to embrace the theme and take part in one of the many Labor Day projects taking place on the island.

For Labor Day this year, municipal corporations across Jamaica were allocated a total of fifty-three million dollars to support Labor Day projects, with a focus on improving access for the disabled