
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit wishes students before the Grade 6 NA exams

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit wishes students a head start on the Grade 6 NA exams, Image: facebook
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit wishes students a head start on the Grade 6 NA exams, Image: facebook

Dominica: The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, has extended his best wishes to the students appearing for the 2024 edition of the Grade Six National Assessment Exam.

The island’s students take exams on two days, Thursday and Friday. They are tested in four subjects: math, language arts, science and social studies.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit took to social media to wish students well for their exams, which will be held in quick succession over two days. The country’s leadership hopes for the success of all students who take the exam.

Sixth grade students in all Dominica secondary schools must take the test. According to official reports from the Ministry of Education, a total of 835 students will take the exam. The cumulative number includes 412 girls and 423 boys.

The list also includes three independent candidates, who are not affiliated with any of the island’s well-known schools. The mode of examination will be both online and offline for all four subjects.

This is a welcome development compared to the way this was done last year. According to the Ministry of Education, only the social studies and Science and Technology exams were conducted online.

Students who want to take all exams online are happy with the new development. Meanwhile, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Melissa Poppone Skerrit also encouraged students to do well.

She emphasized that she had complete confidence in the students in her National Assessment Champions class. She coaches and guides the students of the National Assessment classes for their exams through special lectures.

This way, students who need special guidance and support for their education are not left behind in any way. The students also appreciate the efforts that Minister Melissa Skerrit makes to ensure their success.