
Terror threat to T20 World Cup from Pakistan, hosts West Indies ensures security

New Delhi,UPDATED: May 6, 2024 10:15 IST

West Indies, co-hosts of the T20 World Cup, have reportedly received a terror threat from northern Pakistan. However, West Indies (CWI) has nevertheless informed the public that all safety measures have been taken. According to a reliable source familiar with the situation, the Caribbean islands have been warned of possible terror risks emanating from northern Pakistan. The T20 World Cup is scheduled to take place from June 1 to 29 in the West Indies and the USA. The West Indies will host World Cup matches in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad. and Tobago. There are also competitions in the American cities of Florida, New York and Texas, although there are no signs of a threat to the games in the United States. The two semi-finals will take place in Trinidad and Guyana, the final is scheduled for Barbados.

“We are closely monitoring the situation and maintaining close communication with the relevant authorities,” the source said. “An ongoing review of safety measures is underway to ensure appropriate plans are in place to mitigate the identified risks.” The threat is attributed to IS Khorasan, which only increases the severity of the situation. As preparations for the tournament progress, questions are being raised over India’s participation, especially in light of the planned Champions Trophy, which has been awarded to Pakistan. Given the origins of the threat from Northern Pakistan, there is uncertainty over whether India will travel to Pakistan for the championship. Discussions on the matter are expected to take place at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the International Cricket Council (ICC), scheduled for July in Sri Lanka.

The primary focus of the meeting will be to determine the location of the Champions Trophy, balancing considerations of player safety and security. The decision will be crucial for the smooth and safe conduct of these prestigious cricket tournaments.

The ‘Daily Express’ quoted Trinidad Prime Minister Keith Rowley as saying that security services have procedures in place to deal with any threats to matches. According to the article, “Barbados regional security officials are monitoring potential threats to the ICC event” and also that “intelligence of a potential threat to the World Cup has been received through Pro-Islamic State (Daesh) media group.” Nashir Pakistan’.”

Published by:

Saurabh Kumar

Published on:

May 6, 2024