
Argentine science in the nineteenth century

Today we celebrate the anniversary of the May Revolution (May 25, 1810), which marks the formation of the first national government and the beginning of the road to independence and the formation of the Argentine Republic as a state. Many historical events of that time are remembered, but little is known about the development of education and science since then.

At that time there was an important scientific development in the world, led by Charles Darwin (theory of evolution), Alessandro Volta (electricity), Antoine Lavoisier (chemistry) and James Watt (steam engine). Argentina won’t be immune to this for long.

When we talk about the beginnings of science and education in Argentina, we think of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, who during his presidency founded the Argentine National Observatory (today the Cordoba Astronomical Observatory), and the Cordoba Academy of Sciences, which today the day is the Argentine Observatory. National Observatory (now the Cordoba Astronomical Observatory). National Weather Service, schools, popular libraries, etc. Although he was a great supporter of science and education, there had been schools and colleges before.

Long before the May Revolution, the National University of Cordoba (1610) and then the University of Buenos Aires (1821) were founded. Its work was quite unstable until the mid-nineteenth century. At that time, the studies of the exact and natural sciences merged and scientists began to arrive from other countries, especially from Europe and the United States. Until then, universities taught subjects such as law, literature and philosophy. In 1822, the National Academy of Medicine was founded.

This indicates that an important development in science took place in Argentina in the mid-nineteenth century.

But not all scientific developments are the product of academic activity. There are sciences that arise from tradition and that are often very rich. Some indigenous peoples had undergone significant technological development in the use and management of water, whether for irrigation or domestic use, and had extensive knowledge of the heavens. They also achieved great development in agriculture and animal husbandry.

Perhaps the most remarkable is ancestral medicine. This activity follows the scientific method and there is nothing magical about it. It uses natural elements and a lot of spirituality and not only tries to alleviate the symptoms but also tries to tackle the causes that lead to the various conditions. Ancestral medicine is studied and its knowledge and products are currently used on the basis of natural medicine.

There is also general medicine, which is passed down from generation to generation and has a scientific basis. It is still used in some families.

The May Revolution and other subsequent events that led to the building of our country were much more than just political independence. With tremendous efforts, Argentina began to make progress in the fields of education and science, according to its own ideas.